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Faculty/Staff Profile Database Password Retrieval
Important Password Note

Your password is stored securely in an encrypted form. For your convenience, it is recoverable without a reset by using the "Email My Password" button. However it is sent using plain text email. For best security we recommend that you use a password reset instead.

Also note that no Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) is delivered by email.

UMS staff can also log in through the campus portal. Click here to log in using your Maine Street password

Return to Profile Login

Note: Your PeopleSoft ID appears at the
top of your pay stub as "Employee ID"

Why Two Email Addresses?

For most faculty and staff, contact email and email are now the same. They are stored separately because contact email is used to send mail from this system, and your email is used when you log in through the campus portal using your Maine Street password, and to perform an automatic login if you have an open portal session.

The separate storage of these two addresses originates from the time when all faculty and staff were assigned two email addresses: First Class ( and; many preferred First Class and rarely used the address. The First Class system was retired in May 2018. Some faculty and staff however, still, use a different address for their contact email.

You may update either or both of these addresses in the General Information page. Note that you can change your password (and your user name, if desired) by selecting Change Password at the top of the screen after you login.