Bound With Titles (Alma)
Create host bibliograhpic record
Open MDE
Select the Templates tab.
Click on MARC21 bib>>Shared>>Boundwith

When the record opens the title, except the barcode, is already populated

Replace [NUMBER] in the title with the barcode you will be using
Leave the 774 fields as is for now
Save the bib
Suppress the bib from Discovery (ALT+SHIFT+S)
Create host holding record
Add inventory and create a books holding record. Use your boundwith call# in the 852 field

Create item record
Add item and use your boundwith barcode
Set other fields in the item as needed
Save item record

Save this newly created bib, but don’t release from the MDE
Hide the MDE
Find/import the next title in your boundwith item
Push the title to the MDE
Open the MDE again and you will have 2 titles to select from, the Host bib and the first boundwith title

Open the host bib
Then using the split screen function open the next bib

Copy & paste your first boundwith title and its MMS ID into the first 774 field, replacing [TITLE] and [MMS ID] accordingly
NOTE: Do not keep the $$b in the title, delet those three characters.

Save the Host bib; save and release the boundwith title (you do not add holdings or items to the individual titles attached to the Host bib)
Attach as many additional bib records as needed for the Bound with piece, add or remove 774 fields as needed.
After the last bound with bib is linked in the host record, save and release the bib and wait overnight for the linking job to run. The next day all of the linking information will be inserted into the records and will display properly in Primo.