
Faculty/Staff Profile Database - Publication Data Entry Changes

Publication data entry has been changed substantially.
The major changes are the following:
Advantages and Disadvantages.
Work in Progress
These changes are a work in-progress. The following are not yet available, but will be in the very near future:
If you need assistance ...
Because these changes are freshly implemented and bugs are possible, please contact Curtis Meadow for immediate assistance if you encounter a problem.
Curtis Meadow (meadow@maine.edu)
(207) 355-0045
(207) 399-3489
How to Enter Data
Data is entered in four different panels:
1. General Information. Includes publication type, subtype for some cases, media, refereed or peer-revised, number of student co-authors, and publication dates. Publication type must be selected to enable the additional panels.
Screenshot 1
2. Citation Elements (except Authors and Contributors). This section includes 16 different fields. As a guide for data entry, suggested or possible fields for each publication are highlighted with a striped yellow background. Only title is a required field at this time. For users with assistive technology, the suggested fields are indicated with 'aria-label="suggested entry"' as well as the striped background.
Screenshot 2
Some elements have help text that will display if you hover the mouse over the label:
Screenshot 5
3. Authors and Contributors. This includes authors from UMaine faculty as well as other authors. A matching list appears as you type, starting with second character. To link a publication to a co-author, select from the list. If the name is not on the list, just keep typing. To include yourself, just check the “Me” checkbox.
In addition to Author, a contributor can entered as Translator, Editor or Illustrator.
When selecting from matching lists you may edit the first name and suffix after the row is populated. The matching selection enters the ID in a hidden field.
Screenshot 2
4. Alternate Citation / Abstract. If you prefer your own citation format over the generated citation, enter it here. Leave the "Citation Style" blank to substitute this citation in output, regardless of the citation style selected for output. Select a citation style to override just that style. Abstract is an optional field, intended to be used in export and import operations.
  Screenshot 2
Deleting Publications
You will note that the "Delete" button for some publications is disabled . These are publications that have more than one UMaine co-author. Because the publication is a shared resource, it cannot be deleted unless UMaine co-authors are first deleted from the publication.
Viewing and Downloading Formatted Citations
The screenshot below shows the publications screen with export buttons for Excel and Word. The "Show Formatted Citations" checkbox toggles between the purely tablular display and formatted citation display. You can change citation styles immediately using the dropdown. Currently available styles are APA, MLA (7th and 8th ed.), Council of Science Editors, Chicago, IEEE, American Chemical Society and American Medical Society. Please contact us if you need another style.
Publication Features