Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter 10-31-18

Hot Topics: Elections 2018, November Grants 101 Workshop, New UMaine Finding Aids

In this issue:

  1. Hot Topics: Elections 2018
  2. November Grants 101 Workshop
  3. New UMaine Finding Aids


1. Hot Topics: Elections 2018 
The Reference and Information Literacy Department at Fogler Library has a published a new guide, Hot Topics: Election 2018, that provides useful information on voting in the United States. The guide includes background information on voting and voting trends as well as practical information about voting or registering to vote in the upcoming election. Hot Topics: Election 2018 also features helpful resources about local, state, and federal elections taking place this November.

Please share this guide with any students or colleagues who are searching for 2018 election resources

2. Grants 101: Seeking, Analyzing, and Writing Basics
Date & Time: Friday, November 16, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

The Office of Research Development and Fogler Library are sponsoring “Grants 101: Seeking, Analyzing, and Writing Basics” throughout 2018–2019.

At the workshop, participants will:

  • search for grants in PIVOT
  • analyze an agency’s Request for Proposals
  • learn grant writing basics

 RSVP here; space is limited.

3. New UMaine Finding Aids
More finding aids for University of Maine records held by Fogler Library have been added to the finding aid page on Digital Commons. The most recent finding aids are for the records of the UMaine Graduate School and from the former dean of the School Franklin P. Eggert. Matthew Revitt (, Special Collections and Maine Shared Collection Librarian is currently processing from former faculty member Hilda Fife.