Giving Opportunities
Preserve Fogler’s Main Building
Fogler Library holds a special place in the lives of the UMaine community, past and present. It’s a quiet venue for research, study, and reading as well as a gathering space for interdisciplinary research, collaboration, and programming. The north entrance of this landmark 1940s era building, which looks upon our famed mall, is in need of a major renovation to prevent ice accumulation and provide safe entry and egress.
Named Endowed Funds
Create an endowed fund in your name to fund areas of ongoing need, ensuring Fogler’s sustainability. Some possibilities include:
- named professional positions to strengthen recruitment and retention efforts
- urgent building repairs and renovations
- replacement of outdated technology, furniture, and upholstery
- costly database subscriptions
- Institutional (e)book purchases (which has dwindled due to costly subscriptions)
- faculty training to adopt and/or create Open Educational Resources (OER), which supports equity and access for UMaine students
- digitization, including Geographic Information System projects which support critical research in climate and conservation related topics
- professional development funding
The Salon
Speaker fees and public performance rights for films can be prohibitive; a typical event could run up to $5,000 and beyond. Help us invite the best and brightest to our newly minted Salon Series, with rich topical themes that will foster the kind of engagement that will be remembered for a lifetime.

The Fogler is a treasure, and we hope it will continue to be as important to future generations of students as it was to us. It needs to grow, and for this to happen it needs the support of the University and the citizens of Maine. Stephen ’70, ’87 Hon. L.H.D. & Tabitha King ’71, ’87 Hon. L.H.D.

I view libraries as repositories of history, and for this reason, I support the libraries of the University of Maine, which have contributed to my education in very meaningful ways. Lee Gagnon ’59 Longtime Donor to Fogler Library

Being both a student and a former employee of Fogler library, I have been able to observe patrons and enjoy the space. Being one of the major gathering areas, it provides a comfortable working environment and serves as a learning resource for professors and students. This is imperative to the success of both the university and its students. Additionally, I’ve been able to observe collaborative work and social groups which I believe further enhances relationships among students and their peers. Keiara Pham ‘24
Have a Question?
Hannah is a Philanthropy Officer with the University of Maine Foundation; she received her bachelor’s degree in Public Management at the University of Maine in Orono in 2012. As a Philanthropy officer she focuses primarily on the Honors College, Fogler and Merrill Libraries. She is a graduate of Old Town High School and spent many years on the Orono campus before officially becoming a Black Bear in 2005. She worked for many years with the Bangor Public Library, and has just joined us from Eastern Maine Community College.

Fogler Library is not just a library for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Maine. It is also a center of expertise for librarians statewide, offering advice and support as libraries wade into new waters. More than that, the library is a major reservoir of books, supporting readers from York to Fort Kent. Ben Treat ‘17G Library Director, Bangor Public Library

Fogler Library is absolutely essential for my research, as well as everyone else’s at Maine’s flagship research university. At the same time, Fogler is a welcoming space in the heart of the campus, a place I routinely take guests and colleagues when we want to work in a quiet, comfortable, welcoming environment. UMaine could not provide the services it does to the state, the nation, and the world without the resources of Fogler Library. Dan Sandweiss Professor of Anthropology and Climate Studies

"The databases make me feel rich. We at the University of Maine have access to so many paywalled articles. This is expensive stuff. Pretty cool." Elizabeth Payne, Lecturer in Technical Communication, English Department