Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter 3-9-2021

Quick Access Tip for Library Resources Discovered Online, HDCC Film Series: Lobster War, Literature Review Challenge for Undergrads

  1. Quick Access Tip for Library Resources Discovered Online
  2. Human Dimensions of Climate Change Film Series: Lobster War
  3. The Literature Review Challenge for Undergrads

Featured Resource: ArchivesSpace Online Database

The library’s ArchivesSpace database allows researchers to identify and learn more about materials held by Fogler Library’s Special Collections Department. The materials cover a wide range of subjects reflecting historical events, business, education, arts, and sciences. ArchivesSpace includes finding aids for manuscripts, university records, and oral history interviews, as well as a limited selection of digital resources.

1. Quick Access Tip for Library Resources Discovered Online

The UMS Libraries Proxy Bookmarklet allows you to quickly and easily access restricted digital content if the library has a subscription. For example, if you get a daily Chronicle of Higher Education newsletter via email or an alert with new research articles from a journal or database, you can use the proxy bookmarklet to gain access after clicking an article link.

The bookmarklet takes only a few seconds to install and will be useful to anyone conducting research, especially those who previously used tools like the LibX Toolbar.

2. Human Dimensions of Climate Change Film Series: Lobster War
March 23, 6:00 pm – 7:45 pm
Online via Zoom

The disputed 277 square miles of sea known as the Gray Zone were traditionally fished by US lobstermen. But as the Gulf of Maine has warmed lobsters have migrated north and Canadians have begun to assert their sovereignty in the area, contesting American claims to the bounty and foreshadowing potential conflicts exacerbated by climate change.

Film showing includes a discussion led by Joshua Stoll, Assistant Professor of Marine Policy.

The film series will take place online via Zoom. Please RSVP in advance to attend.

The Human Dimensions of Climate Change Film Series is sponsored by the Anthropology Department, Climate Change Institute, Department of Communication and Journalism, Fogler Library, and the School of Marine Sciences.

3. The Literature Review Challenge for Undergrads
March 29 – April 2
Online via Email 

Are your students doing assignments where they need to conduct a literature review? Invite them to join The Literature Review Challenge for Undergrads! Each day, for five days, participants will receive an email with brief tasks designed to help with all elements of conducting a literature review, including approaches to refining a research topic, strategically searching for literature, synthesizing literature, and organizing literature in a reference list.

While this challenge will be especially resonant for undergraduate students, anyone is welcome to join. If you have questions, please contact Jen Bonnet at