Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter 11-9-2021

* Cloud-Based Data Storage Workshop * Government Publications * JSTOR

In this issue:

·  Cloud-Based Data Storage Workshop

·  Government Publications


Featured Resource:  Mintel Academic

Mintel publishes over 220 marketing reports in the US every year. Reports include data such as answers to consumer survey questions to identify key demographics or target markets; a comprehensive overview of the market size, including a five year forecast; and brand share, category trends, consumer attitudes and behaviors, and analysis on what’s working, what’s not working, and what’s coming next.

Cloud-Based Data Storage Workshop

Fogler Library is partnering with the UMS Advanced Computing Group to offer this session designed to explore the array of cloud-based data storage options available to UMS students, faculty and staff.  Discover how to utilize Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive to their fullest potential.  Learn how to store, share and manage your data with ease on multiple devices and operating systems.

The workshop will be held Wednesday, November 10 at 6:00 in person (Library Classroom 1) or on Zoom. Click here for more information, and to register.

Government Publications

Fogler Library has been a United States Government Publications Depository since 1907, and a Regional (complete) Depository since 1963 — the only such in Northern New England. Of the 1100 Federal Depository Libraries there are only 47 with this distinction.

Over 2.3 million government publications comprise the collection, some dating back to 1789.  Their formats include:  hardbound book, paperback, map, poster, microfiche, audio and video cassette, floppy disk, CD-ROM and DVD. As the century began, the US federal government gave a big push for transition to issuing nearly all new government publications in digital form. So 313,076 more are now accessible online via links in our online catalog URSUS. And even past websites of agencies are available at CyberCemetery.

Major strengths of this collection include: aquaculture, census information and demographics, earth sciences, foreign relations, forestry, international commerce, marine studies,  political science, water resources, and wildlife.  Fogler is also a Census Data Center Affiliate.


JSTOR now includes temporary access to more than 18,000 items from six Fogler Library digital archive collections. JSTOR has recently begun to display selected primary source content in “community collections” from UMaine and hundreds of other institutions, alongside Artstor images and full-text academic content from scholarly journals, e-books, and more, in its search results. Try a search for “Katahdin” to see how this works. The UMaine collections may also be browsed on JSTOR