Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter 11-16-2021

* State Publications * Patent and Trademark Resource Center

In this issue:

  • State Publications
  • Patent and Trademark Resource Center
Featured Resource: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History

The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History provides peer-reviewed long-form articles, as well as shorter summaries. The encyclopedia is updated monthly with new or edited articles. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History is funded through the generous gift of the Paul R. and Polly N. Camp Quasi-Endowment Fund for the Fogler Library.

State Publications

The Special Collections Department houses a comprehensive collection of documents issued by the State of Maine. Documents are acquired through the State documents depository system, and commercial vendors and as gifts. A number of state documents have been digitized and made available online in a DigitalMaine Repository. A brief list of some available documents include:

Laws of Maine, 1820-
Legislative Documents, 1837-
Public Documents, 1867-1954
Maine Revised Statutes Annotated, 1840-
Maine Reporter, Vol 1.-
Maine Key Number Digest
Maine Budgets, 1917-
Maine Rules of Court, 1959-
Vital Statistics, 1892-
Maine Department of Labor Reports, 1873-1970
Employment Situation, 1981-
Maine Employment and Earnings Statistical Handbook, 1981-
Joint Standing Committee Bill Summaries, 1989-
Maine State Government Annual Reports
Government Publications Checklist, 1941-

Patent and Trademark Resource Center

Obtaining a patent or registering a trademark is a complicated process. The Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) is here to assist anyone in doing preliminary research in patents and trademarks. Fogler Library has the only PTRC in Maine, ready to assist anyone doing preliminary research in patents and trademarks.

The person in charge of the PTRC is Business Reference Librarian John Hutchinson. If your class would benefit from instruction about patents and trademarks, he is available to give a presentation on those subjects to your students, either in the library or in your regular classroom.

You can also schedule a time for one-on-one instruction with John Hutchinson; phone at 207-581-3610, or e-mail