Fogler Friends Newsletter – 11/07/2023

In This Issue:

  • Immigration Challenge – New
  • Locating Open Education Resources for Courses
  • Rare Book Announcement

Immigration Challenge – New!

Want to know more about immigration and the lives of immigrants? Sign up for the Immigration Challenge, a collaboration between Fogler Library and UMaine’s Office of International Programs! Every day for five days (November 13-17), you’ll receive an email focused on a different aspect of immigration and immigrants’ experiences, with links to articles, videos, books, and more!  To sign up for the Immigration Challenge, visit this link.

Locating Open Educational Resources for Courses

At Fogler Library’s Open Educational Resources workshop on December 1, 2023 10am-11am, the UMaine community will work with subject area librarians to learn about where to find freely accessible textbooks and other course materials.

You can register to attend here, and the Zoom link will be sent to registrants before the meeting. Please contact Amber Gray ( if you have questions.

Rare Book Announcement

More than 400 records for rare books have recently been added to the library’s catalog, representing several books published in the 1500s and 1600s. This includes a particularly well-preserved copy of Conciliorum Quatuor Generalium Niceni, Constantinopolitani (Four General Councils of Nice, Constantinople) published in 1530, featuring a stamped vellum binding and metal fasteners. A few other favorites include Irish Minstrelsy, published in 1831, featuring poems in the Irish language with English translations, and The Economic Cottage Builder, published in 1855, with detailed floor plans and illustrations.

Anyone is welcome to visit Special Collections to view rare books without an appointment. Clubs, classes, and community groups can schedule a visit to view a selection. Most of the recently cataloged rare books are written in English, but other available languages include French, Spanish, Italian, German, Greek and Latin.

For more details and contact information, see the Special Collections and Projects Department web page.