Fogler Plus Friends Newsletter – April 2, 2024

What’s “Fogler Plus”? Raymond H. Fogler LibraryMerrill Library in Machias, Maine InfoNet, and the University of Maine Press provide library collections and related services under the direction of the University of Maine Dean of Libraries. We’ve renamed this newsletter to better reflect all Fogler Plus news and initiatives.

In This Issue:

  • Maine Impact Week: Fogler Library Research Impact Challenge
  • Maine Impact Week: Demystifying Patents and Trademarks

Fogler Library Research Impact Challenge

The Fogler Library Research Impact Challenge will run again from April 8-12, 2024 to coincide with Maine Impact Week. This weeklong program of daily emails includes activities to help researchers better understand and manage their online scholarly presence, as well as consider ways to describe the impact and reach of their work. While you will receive a daily activity, each activity stands alone and can be completed separately from the others and at a time that is convenient for you. The first few focus on developing or enhancing your online scholarly presence, and the final challenge considers ways to measure the success and impact of your work. Go to the Fogler Library Research Impact Challenge registration page if you’d like to sign up to participate.

Demystifying Patents and Trademarks

John Hutchinson, UMaine Librarian, will be giving two workshops about Patents and Trademarks during Maine Impact Week.

Obtaining a patent for an invention, or a trademark for goods and services, can be essential to businesses or individual entrepreneurs. But the process of obtaining them is often misunderstood. John, the representative for the Patent & Trademark Resource Center, is here to help, with two presentations on April 12th. In the morning session available, in person and via Zoom, John will give a presentation about what Patents & Trademarks are, and what benefits they provide, clearing up the misconceptions and confusion about these intellectual properties.

In the afternoon session, John will host a hands-on training session on how to research existing patented inventions, and finding currently registered United States trademarks. This kind of research is essential to any applicant, as well as being intellectually rewarding. Teaching people how to search is John’s main duty as the rep for the PTRC, and he loves doing it. Bring your laptop and learn how to research patents and trademarks!

Both events will be on Friday, April 12th, in Fogler Library, Classroom 1. The morning session is 10-11:30, the Afternoon session is 3-4:30. Registration is required for both. Links to register are on the Maine Impact Week website.