Fogler Plus Newsletter — August 27, 2024

Fogler Plus Newsletter — August 27, 2024

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What’s “Fogler Plus”? Raymond H. Fogler Library, Merrill Library in Machias, Maine InfoNet, and the University of Maine Press provide library collections and related services under the direction of the University of Maine Dean of Libraries.

In this issue:

New Fogler LibrarySearch

Over the summer the University of Maine System Libraries all migrated to a new library system, which is, in effect, a new catalog … and more! Take a look at the new LibrarySearch, and also our tutorial on how to use the LibrarySearch system. Please reach out to Research and Instruction librarians with any questions.

Upcoming library events

The Research & Instruction department is sponsoring several events during the first week of classes. We are holding an in-person Scavenger Hunt on Tuesday, Sep. 3, a Worldbuilding workshop at 4 p.m. Sep. 3, and two library tours, both at noon, on Sep. 4 & Sep. 5. Please share this with students in your department and classes. And please click here for our ongoing Workshop Series!

Coffee and snacks in the Oakes Room

UMaine Dining offers Costa Coffee and Vicki Vending Machines available throughout the day while the library is open. Get your coffee fix or grab a snack when you’re on the go!

Featured Resource: Guide to Open Access Publishing

Fogler Library has a small number of publisher licensing agreements that enable UMaine faculty, staff, and students to publish their research as open access (OA) journal articles, without the need to pay an article processing charge (APC). The publishers listed on the page do not charge the library any additional fees for OA publishing on top of the library’s existing subscription cost. Two additional publishers have been added for 2024-2026: Company of Biologists and Royal Society of Chemistry. 

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