12-17 Review File for Unpaid Titles
Purpose: To identify in the last quarter of the fiscal year those titles for which which we have not yet paid in order to prompt publishers and vendors for invoicing. List should be run annually in February.
From the Main Menu on Sierra select:
L > Create LISTS of records (key in initials and password)
Select an empty file from within the range allotted to the Orono campus (84-124). A file with a maximum of 1000 records is more than enough.
N > NEW BOOLEAN search
O > ORDER list
For periodicals the search strategy is as follows:
- bloc (billing location) = 7 AND
- acq type = p (periodical) AND
- fund code = 763 AND
- status = f (current) AND
- paid date n (NOT within) last 18 months. Example: 07-01-00 to 12-31-01
What name would you like to give this file of records?
- ORO: Not paid review of 763 titles for FY…. [Date and initials]
Sort the resulting file by title, then vendor code.
Review each title – proceed as necessary