12-18 Annual Inactive Checkin Record Review
Purpose: An annual checkin record clean up in order to close checkin cards with “filled” status.
I. Create Checkin Review File
- In Sierra Serials Checkin, click on “Create Lists”
- Scroll down to find an ORO designated “Empty” slot [between review lines 129-193]. If no empty slot available work with TS staff to empty an existing one.
- Click on “Search Records”
- Enter a “Review File Name” in the corresponding name box. File name should have “ORO:” as a prefix.
- “Store Record Type” = checkin and card
- First parameter. Double click under following categories to choose search terms:
- “Type” = c checkin
- “Field” = Fund/Keyer = equal to
- “Value A” = 763
- Click on “Append Line” for the second parameter. Double click under following categories to choose search terms:
- “Type” = c checkin
- “Field” = Fund/Keyer
- “Condition” = equal to
- “Value A” = 766
- Click on “Append Line” for the third parameter. Double click under following categories to choose search terms:
- “Operator” = and (default setting)
- “Type” = c checkin
- “Field” = card status
- “Condition” = equal to
- “Value A” = filled (typically manually applied to ceased or canceled titles)
- First parameter. Double click under following categories to choose search terms:
NOTE: Group first and second parameter together by highlighting lines and clicking on “Group”. This allows boolean searching of filled checkin criteria with 763 (periodical) OR 766 (microform).
Search will take a few minutes to complete.
II. Performing Checkin Record Clean up
Sort the review file by fund code to separate the 766 titles collection from the 763 titles.
Open review file and begin going through each record and closing any checkin cards that are complete.
A note stating straggler issues (including volume, number, date) should be placed internally into each record (e.g. c4001187).