Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter 4-25-18

Scheduling Library Instruction, Hot Topics Guide: Health Equity and Health Disparity, Half-day R Workshop

In this issue:

  1. Scheduling Library Instruction for Your Students
  2. Hot Topics Guide: Health Equity and Health Disparity
  3. Half-day R Workshop

1. Scheduling Library Instruction for Your Students
As you prepare for the summer and fall semesters, remember that librarians in the Reference and Information Literacy Department at Fogler are available to provide instructional sessions and/or web guides for your students. These sessions can cover specific databases or a variety of research materials that will aid your students in their class work. Contact Nancy Lewis at or at 207-581-3613 for more information.

2. Hot Topics Guide: Health Equity and Health Disparity
Our latest Hot Topic guide, Hot Topics: Health Equity and Health Disparity, addresses health and mortality differences between populations. Students interested in the health professions, social work, public policy, sociology, and anthropology can use this guide to find overviews, statistics, analyses, and additional resources on health inequality in Maine, the United States, and Canada.

3. Half-day R Workshop
Date & Time: Tuesday, May 1, 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Location: Fogler Library Classroom 1

Presented by Fogler Library and Wheatland Geospatial Programs, “Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Data in R” will explore recent advancements in hierarchical random effects models using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods with application and examples for statistical ecology. The focus is on linear and generalized linear modeling frameworks that accommodate spatial and temporal associations. Lecture and exercises offer an applied perspective on model specification, identifiability of parameters, and computational considerations for Bayesian inference from posterior distributions.

Registration is required. Further details and required pre-workshop preparation can be found online.