1-4 Ordering with GOBI (Print and ebook)
To create orders in GOBI, our primary vendor, and have entries appear in the public catalog.
1. In GOBI – export order data for ybp08 (print books) / ybp20 (ebooks)
2. In Sierra – pick up via FTP and load brief records from GOBI to URSUS
3. In Sierra – Electronic ordering – output purchase orders from URSUS to GOBI
1. In GOBI – export order data for ybp08 (print books) / ybp20 (ebooks)
- Sign on to GOBI.
- Use the search box at the top of page to search via TITLE or ISBN, and click GO. Note: If the title is common and likely to generate too many results, go to the “Search” drop-down menu and choose “Standard” to refine your search by including author’s name, or other additional search criteria.
- Search results will return record(s) for the title. If more than one record displays, select desired item from the list and click inside empty margin to the left of this record. A blue bar will appear within the margin indicating your item is ready to be placed in the Export Cart.
- Click “Add to Cart”, then “Export Cart”.
- Repeat this procedure for as many titles as you need to order.
- When finished searching records, click on Export Cart (top right). This will take you to a new screen with a complete list of items selected for purchase.
- Click “Enter Order Details” (left menu). A new window pops up. You can choose a template from drop down menu, if applicable. You may use templates for titles that share funds, locations, internal notes, etc. (To create a new template: go to Options >Manage Templates> New and fill in details of new template. Click Save).
Enter the following order details: (* indicates field required by vendor)
- Subaccount: 5718-08 or 5718-20. (08: physical books, 20: ebooks)
- PO field: Skip (a PO – purchase order number – will be generated later)
- Fund code: (oat0, ra20, etc.)*
- Vendor note: (optional – rarely needed)
- Item location: (osta, oref, etc)*
- Internal note (if needed):
- The three most common internal notes we use are for gift plate information, notify information, or reserve item information.
- Gift plate information: Example: “Gift plate for Taylor Fund”
- Notify information: Example: “Notify John Smith”
- Reserve information: Example: “Reserve for COS 120, Spring 2019, instuctor’s name”
- Any other information that will be useful to Acquisitions or Cataloging staff when the book is received.
- Note: Internal notes are exported from Gobi, but you will still need to place a “g” (gift) or an “n” (notify) in the RACTION field in the Sierra order record.
- The three most common internal notes we use are for gift plate information, notify information, or reserve item information.
- Vendor Code: (ybp08, ybp20)*
- Note: (optional – rarely needed)
- Check box for No Substitutions
- Selector:* (your initials)
- Quantity:
- List Action: select “Remove Marked Status on Items in Cart”
- Save:
- Continue entering order details until all necessary information has been entered and the light to the left of each record has turned green. Click on Submit All Green Lights (Creates a file of all the records on GOBI’s FTP server).
- Note: Although it is unlikely that you would ever want to do so, never submit more than one batch of orders a day, otherwise the second order gets tacked on to the first, and the previous order gets lost. This requires some special effort to correct everything, especially on a large order.
- “Export Acknowledgement” appears above each record.
- If desired for your own records, click Mark all > Print > HTML-Multiple items to print a copy of the list. However, this is not necessary as GOBI will send an Export Acknowledgement via email which includes the same information.
2. In Sierra – pick up via FTP and load brief records from GOBI to URSUS
- Open Sierra.
- Go to Function drop-down menu under Data Admin heading and chose Data Exchange.
- Click Get FTS button.
- Choose ftp.ybp.com from the Host drop-down menu.
- Click Connect.
- Log-in box pops up. Enter your username and password.
- Click OK.
- Double Click on Export (top of right list – you are accessing remote site at YBP). Files within
- Export directory at YBP location will be displayed.
- Look for file name with this structure: library account number (5718) plus the current date with .mrc extension (ex. 57180923.mrc).
- Highlight the correct file.
- Click on the GET button. The file will transfer quickly.
- Click on Disconnect > Close
- You should now see your new file in the list of files in URSUS.
- Highlight the new file, and click on Prep (very small print, upper right).
- Click on Start (bottom of screen). Processing goes quickly. (The number of input records should match the number of output records. These numbers should match the number of orders you placed on GOBI. If these numbers do not match, or, if you receive error messages when processing, contact the Systems office).
- Click Close.
- A new file will appear with the .gomarc extension.
- Highlight the new file and click on the Load button (upper right).
- Place a check in the “Use Review files” box.
- Click on Load button (bottom). A load report will display.
- Click Close.
- Go to Function pull down menu and choose Create Lists.
- Highlight an empty Orono file.
- A review file of your new orders has already been created. Click Copy.
- From the list, scroll toward bottom and select the file that reads “Load: inserted records + your file name.”
- Message pops up, “Do you want to remove the file being copied from?”. Click YES.
You now have the review file of your orders in the form of brief bibliographic records. Keep note of that review file number for later use and rename the file using designations for location, order type and date (ex. ORO GOBI 0924). - You will need to create a second review file of order records.
- Select an adjacent empty review file. Click on “Search Records”.
- In Review File Name text box, enter name for new file (use designations for location, order type and date (ex. ORO GOBI 0924).
- Choose order from “Store Record Type” menu.
- Choose Review from file type pull down menu (next line).
- Select your review file from the drop down list that you previously created.
- Click Search (lower left).
- Message will pop up, “No search criteria have been specified. Retrieve all records in range?”.
- Click Yes.
- Once the file is created, go to Function pull down menu and choose Selection List
- Select the review file of orders just prepared from the drop down list.
- Click Start.
- Select the records you want to place on order. If you are ordering print and ebook materials in one batch, you must FTP them separately – that is, highlight all the ypb08 items, then follow the rest of these instructions, and THEN go back and highlight all the ypb20 items and repeat these steps.
- Check the Queue PO box.
- Enter the order date.
- Click the On Order button. Records will disappear, indicating they are ready to be FTP’d.
3. In Sierra – Electronic ordering – output purchase orders from URSUS to GOBI
- Choose the Print/Send Orders function from the drop-down menu.
- Selection List Session Report pops up. Click OK.
- Select (#) purchase orders to FTP from drop down menu.
- The number of orders to FTP will appear (make sure to delete any previous order records still in file before ftping).
- Select FTP, then FTP ALL, and FTP.
- Host connection screen will open to transfer files. Choose ftp.ybp.com.
- Click CONNECT.
- Enter login in formation.
- When connected, double click the drop off directory.
- Click Put.
- Disconnect.
- Close.
- FTP completed. Delete sent entries? Click YES, if ordering only ybp08. If other subaccount being ordered at the same time see notes below.
- After each group (subaccount) is FTPd and received by YBP, YPB will send an acknowledgement to the e-mail given to them for this purpose.
- Look it over to make sure they received all the orders we sent.
Additional notes:
“CLEAN UP” from earlier sessions:
- Occasionally, go in to Import Invoices and then to Data Exchange and Delete the files from earlier sessions (to keep the files from piling up).
- At some point before next order go into Gobi and clear previous session records out of the Export Cart (otherwise new orders will be added to old).