1-10 Ordering with an IDO (Interdepartmental Order)
Purpose: Interdepartmental Orders are used to purchasing an item from another department within the University of Maine System, for example: the bookstore.
- First, confirm that the department you are purchasing from accepts IDOs. Some do not.
- A blank copy of an IDO can be found in the shared drive.
- Enter the titles being purchased, individual prices of those items, the total price, and the address of the department we are purchasing from.
- Enter your name on the “Goods Received” line.
- See the Library Financial Manager for dept id, account #, class, and fund field information for the debit line.
- Have Collection Development Librarian sign the “Auth. Signature” line.
- If you haven’t already done so, enter order records for each title in Sierra. Use vendor code: ido.
- If books are being picked up by us directly, get a copy of the IDO after the department we are purchasing from fills in their portion of the form (account info, etc). If it is the bookstore, get a sales receipt as well.
- If books are being sent to us (through campus mail, for example), send a copy of the IDO to the department ahead of time so they can fill out their portion of the form and send a copy of the completed form with the book.
- When books are received, invoice the IDO in Sierra and prepare the books for Cataloging.