Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter 9-5-18

Hot Topics: Race Relations, ICPSR Workshop, Scheduling Library Instruction, Library Student Book Club

In this issue:

  1. Hot Topics Guide: Race Relations
  2. Research and Teaching: How ICPSR Can Help!
  3. Scheduling Library Instruction for Your Students
  4. Extra Credit Opportunity for Students: Library Student Book Club

1. Hot Topics Guide: Race Relations
Fogler Library Reference and Information Literacy Department has published a new Hot Topics guide, “Race Relations,” which provides introductory information, statistics, useful websites, media content, and other resources about race relations in the United States. Please share this guide with any of your students who may be researching the subject.

2. Research and Teaching: How ICPSR Can Help!
Date & Time: Wednesday, September 5, at 3:30 PM
Location: Fogler Library Classroom 1

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is a data archive of which the University of Maine is a member. Most people know ICPSR for its Summer Program classes or because they used data from the catalog for a long-ago research project. ICPSR is those things, and much more!  Join us to find out how ICPSR can help with research (primary and secondary), including meeting federal requirements, and with teaching courses across the curriculum. With over 10,000 studies, plus other resources, ICPSR has something for (almost) everyone! This informal presentation will include a look at ICPSR’s offerings with plenty of freedom for individual exploration.

Registration for the workshop is available online.

3. Scheduling Library Instruction for Your Students
As you prepare for this semester’s classes, remember that librarians in the Reference and Information Literacy Department at Fogler are available to provide instructional sessions and/or web guides for your students. These sessions can cover specific databases or a variety of research materials that will aid your students in their class work. Contact Nancy Lewis at or at 207-581-3613 for more information.

4. Extra Credit Opportunity for Students: Library Student Book Club
The Fogler Library Student Book Club is an informal gathering for students to discuss their favorite books and genres with other students.  Students don’t need to have read any specific book to join the conversation. All they need is an interest in the genre being discussed. If you’re looking for extra credit or extracurricular activities for your students, the book club may be a great fit. The fall schedule is:

  1. Fantasy fiction, September 5th
  2. Contemporary realistic fiction, September 19th
  3. Mystery & thriller, October 3rd
  4. Horror, October 17th

Each session begins at 7 PM in  Fogler Library Classroom 1.