9-5 Moving non-leased ORRR books to stacks
Purpose: In order to make room on the shelves in the Reserve Reading Room, we move some of of the older/low-checkout books to the stacks. This is done once a year, right after the yearly return of Baker & Taylor leased books.
- Obtain the parameters of the search from the Collection Services librarian. For example, they may wish to move books that are 3 years old or more.
- Create a review file:
- Review every record to make sure that the book is not a Baker and Taylor leased book. Occasionally, a “leased” designation has been put in a field other than “x” (note field), so leased titles may appear in this list even though the search should have excluded them. Correct the mistake by inserting a note field with the word “Leased”, and remove the record from your review file.
- Sort review file by call number.
- Export the following information to a spreadsheet:
- Call number
- Publication Year
- icode2 (how acquired)
- Number of checkouts
- Title
- Author
- When spreadsheet is completed, forward to Collection Services librarian for review. They will note which books should be moved to other locations (primarily osta, ospc, or ojone).
- Pull the designated books from the orrr shelves (let Circulation that you are doing this in case they need to find a title during this process).
- Flag books that are going to ospc or ojone (osta is the default location, no flag necessary)
- Bring books to Cataloging. They will change the locations and move books to Stacks Maintenance for reshelving.