7-4 New Acquisitions Report

Purpose: To compile and distribute a list of all new items cataloged in Sierra each month. List is also forwarded for use in populating subject libguides with lists of relevant materials.

  1. In Sierra, choose “Create Lists” from the drop-down menu.
  2. Choose a review file by clicking once on it.
  3. Click on “Search Records”
  4. In the Boolean Search Box:
  5. Name your file “Oro New Acquisitions MM YY”
  6. Choose Record type “Item” from drop down menu
  7. Fill in your search fields (see screenshot of finished search box below):
    • Type: Item
    • Field: Location
    • Condition: Equal to
    • Value A = cyber
    • Click “Apend Line”
    • Operator: And
    • Type: Item
    • Field: Created
    • Condition: Between
    • Value A = mmddyy (first day of month you are searching)
    • Value B = mmddyy (last day of month you are searching)
    • Click “Append Line”
    • Operator: Or
    • Type: Item
    • Field: Location
    • Condition: Between
    • Value A = o
    • Value B = oz
    • Click “Append Line”
    • Operator: And
    • Type: Item
    • Field: Location
    • Condition: Not equal to
    • Value A: ores
    • Operator: And
    • Type: Item
    • Field: Created
    • Condition: Between
    • Value A = mmddyy (first day of month you are searching)
    • Value B = mmddyy (last day of month you are searching)
    • Click “Append line”
    • Operator: And
    • Type: Bibliographic
    • Field: Initials
    • Condition: not equal to
    • Value A: n
    • Click “Append Line”
    • Operator: And
    • Type: Item
    • Field: Imessage
    • Conditon: Not equal to
    • Value A: F
    • Click “Search” button at the bottom of box.
  8. Search will likely take several minutes to run. Status for your file will display “Complete” when done.
  9. Click “Sort”
  10. Choose Type: Item
  11. Choose Field: Location
  12. Choose Type: Item
  13. Choose Type: Call #
  14. Click “Sort”.
  15. When file is done sorting, click “Export Records”
    • Enter the following:
    • Line 1: Type: Item, Field: Location
    • Line 2: Type: Item, Field: Call #
    • Line 3: Type: Bibliographic, Field: Author
    • Line 4: Type: Bibliographic, Field: Title
    • Line 5: Type: Bibliographic, Field: Publisher
  16. Make sure Field Delimiter is a comma “,”
  17. Click “Browse”
  18. Choose to save the file on your desktop
  19. Name: newacqmmyy
  20. Click “OK”.
  21. You will need to create an Excel report and a Word doc of this file. See: Creating an Excel report from Sierra review file information and Creating a Word document from an Excel report.
  22. On the Excel report, change the 4- or 5-digit location codes to the following text, for patron readability:
    • cyber: UMS Electronic Resource
    • odoc: Government Documents
    • oref: Reference
    • olmc: Learning Materials Collection
    • olis: Media – Request at Circulation
    • orrr: Reserve Reading Room
    • ospc: Special Collections
    • osta: Stacks
    • oweb: UM Electronic Resource
  23. Save Excel files in Acquisitions > New Acquisitions Reports>YEAR>. Name file by month and year.
  24. Email the Serials/Electronic Resources point person letting them know that the previous month’s new acquisitions report (Excel format) is ready to be posted to the library’s Recent Acquisitions page. Attach a copy of the Excel report to the email.
  25. When the Excel file has been posted, email subject librarians and department heads and let them know that the latest report is available both in the share drive and on our Recent Acquisitions page. Include the link in the email. You do not need to attach copies of the report to the email.