8-3 Yearly return of Baker & Taylor leased books

Purpose: To return older Baker & Taylor leased books in the Reserve Reading Room. This is typically done when shelf space becomes an issue.

  1. Obtain our latest inventory report. Currently, Baker & Taylor emails a copy of our inventory to designated staff once a month. Contact B&T leased book division to be added to this list: 1-800-775-3800. Print a copy to work with later.
  2. Determine which publication year will be returned (usually 3 years prior to the current year).
  3. Pull books from that year (and before) from RRR shelves. Be sure to only pull books with a red B&T leased sticker on the bottom of the spine. There are other, non-leased books on these shelves that should not be pulled at this time.
  4. Let Head of Collections Services (and other designated librarians) know that these books are ready for them to review. They will determine which titles will be returned to B&T, kept for free, or purchased. We are allowed to keep 1 out of every 5 books that we return as part of our lease agreement. We purchase (for a nominal fee) any books that exceed that 20% limit.
  5. Once librarians have made their choices, separate each category (to be returned, to be kept for free, to be purchased) onto different carts.
  6. Mark books as “Return”, “Free”, or “Purchase” in the columns on the inventory list.
  7. Take books to cataloging:
    1. “Return” books will be removed from Ursus and brought back to you for packaging.
    2. “Free” and “Purchase” books will be cataloged for stacks or other designated location.
  8. Go through the inventory list and do an URSUS search for  titles that were not found on the shelves.
    • You will find that most were checked out at the time you pulled the books. This is ok. They can be pulled during next year’s return.
    • Some books will appear as “Available” in Ursus, but were not on the shelves when you were pulling titles. Make a note on the inventory list to make sure that they are pulled next year. If they cannot be found at that time, a search may need to be done by Circulation staff.
    • If a book is listed as “Paid” in Ursus, mark it as one of our “Free” or “Purchase” books on the inventory report.
    • If a book is listed as “Overdue-Billed”, “Missing”, or “On Search” in Ursus, use your judgment as to whether to claim it as “Lost” on the inventory.
  9. Securely box all “return” books
  10. Make a copy of the marked inventory list and include it one of the boxes.
  11. Contact B&T lease division and request shipping labels for each box (they are usually emailed).
  12. Attach labels and leave for UPS pickup.
  13. In about a month you will receive an invoice for any purchased titles. Pay as you would a regular invoice on order record o7857755.
  14. Save marked inventory list for use as a reference during the next return.