12-8 Initiating a Resource with a Minimal Level Record
Purpose: To expedite the ordering process of new, resources when no previous record exists in Sierra/URSUS. Also, to create a new, suppressed, permanent MLR in order to attach a journal order record, when the e-journal access is going to be managed through Serials Solutions. (Serials Solutions e-journal records cannot have order records attached to them.)
In Sierra SERIALS module (URSUS):
- Click File in upper left-hand corner of the screen
- Click New Record
- Choose Bibliographic Record
- Choose from template options “Serials”. You will be prompted for the following fixed fields:
- Branch = oro (for Orono)
- Cat Date = double click for calendar date selection; select today’s date
- Mat Type = s (for Serial)
- Input Libr = o (for Orono)
- Initials = n (for suppressed) till fully available, if cataloging must create a full bib for a new print journal; note, the MLR will remain suppressed when the e-journal access is going to be managed through Serials Solutions
- Next MARC field prompts will appear for variable length fields
- 022 field (ISSN #): skip if not available; enter both print and electronic ISSNs on two separate lines when available
- Author = skip by clicking Next
- Title = type title in ALL CAPS. Note: in the second blue square box after 245, back up the cursor to put the number of skip characters needed for a leading article (e.g. A=2, An=3 or The=4). Also Sierra auto checks for duplicate titles. Review results screen and then close.
- Alt Title = use as needed (typically for abbreviated titles or acronyms) or skip by clicking Next
- Continue inserting any information readily available (eg. publisher). Hit “next” to move through MARC fields presented including subject
- Continues = IF a title change, type in the old title [rarely needed]
- Continued by = skip by clicking Next
- Next you will be prompted for attached order record field information
- Acq Type = p (for periodical)
- Location = oweb (for online resources), fund = 76x (assign as appropriate for example 763e for e-journals, 768 for databases)
- Skip Requester and all other prompts except Vendor (e.g. ebs for EBSCO) if that information is given
- If a title change, the Periodicals Assistant will transfer the old attached order and check-in records to the new bib record.
- Finalize access points
- Notify Cataloging if the MLR needs to be replaced by a full bibliographic record.
OR - Activate the title in the Serials Solutions Client Center, once notice of access is received from vendor or publisher, and access is tested. This will generate an e-journal bib record for patron access.
- Notify Cataloging if the MLR needs to be replaced by a full bibliographic record.