12-8 Initiating a Resource with a Minimal Level Record

Purpose:  To  expedite the ordering process of new,  resources when no previous record exists in Sierra/URSUS. Also, to create a new, suppressed, permanent MLR in order to attach a journal order record, when the e-journal access is going to be managed through Serials Solutions. (Serials Solutions e-journal records cannot have order records attached to them.)

In Sierra SERIALS module (URSUS):

  1. Click File in upper left-hand corner of the screen
  2. Click New Record
  3. Choose Bibliographic Record
  4. Choose from template options “Serials”.  You will be prompted for the following fixed fields:
    1. Branch = oro (for Orono)
    2. Cat Date = double click for calendar date selection; select today’s date
    3. Mat Type = s (for Serial)
    4. Input Libr = o (for Orono)
    5. Initials = n (for suppressed) till fully available, if cataloging must create a full bib for a new print journal; note, the MLR will remain suppressed when the e-journal access is going to be managed through Serials Solutions
  5. Next MARC field prompts will appear for variable length fields
    1. 022 field (ISSN #): skip if not available; enter both print and electronic ISSNs on two separate lines when available
    2. Author = skip by clicking Next
  6. Title = type title in ALL CAPS.  Note: in the second blue square box after 245, back up the cursor to put the number of skip characters needed for a leading article (e.g. A=2, An=3 or The=4).  Also Sierra auto checks for duplicate titles.  Review results screen and then close.
    1. Alt Title = use as needed (typically for abbreviated titles or acronyms) or skip by clicking Next
    2. Continue inserting any information readily available (eg. publisher). Hit “next” to move through MARC fields presented including subject
    3. Continues = IF a title change, type in the old title [rarely needed]
    4. Continued by = skip by clicking Next
  7. Next you will be prompted for attached order record field information
    1. Acq Type = p (for periodical)
    2. Location = oweb (for online resources), fund = 76x (assign as appropriate for example 763e for e-journals, 768 for databases)
    3. Skip Requester and all other prompts except Vendor (e.g. ebs for EBSCO) if that information is given
  8. If a title change, the Periodicals Assistant will transfer the old attached order and check-in records to the new bib record.
  9. Finalize access points
    1. Notify Cataloging if the MLR needs to be replaced by a full bibliographic record.
    2.  Activate the title in the Serials Solutions Client Center, once notice of access is received from vendor or publisher, and access is tested. This will generate an e-journal bib record for patron access.