12-16 Invoice Payment Codes
1. Enter invoice number followed by a forward slash: XXXXX/
2. Enter special payment type code(s) in the appropriate position following the slash:
a. Enclosure (First Position)
- G – Check to Business Office
- C – Check to Campus Mailroom
- Blank – Check to Vendor [default]
b. Due Date (Second character position)
- Blank – Invoice will be paid within 30 days of invoice date, unless there are terms in the vendor records [default]
- C- Invoice will be paid in the next check cycle. (Currently pay twice a week)
- Z – Deposit account item. Do not pay.
c. Separate Check (Third character position)
- Y – Invoice paid on separate check
- Blank – No separate check [default]
- XXXX/ _ Z _ (Deposit account invoice. Do not pay.)
- XXXX/ G C Y (Check to business office. Invoice in next check cycle.)