Media Collection and Access Policy


Fogler Library provides media collections and access to support the curriculum needs of the University of Maine faculty. To a limited extent, the collections may serve some recreational needs of the University community by providing popular audio and audiovisual recordings, through donated materials.

The library purchases or licenses either physical or streaming formats for musical content, and for documentary and theatrical film content. Although the collection houses a small number of older spoken-word recordings and instructional video recordings, such materials are not currently purchased for the collection.

The library does not purchase or license video streaming platforms, media management services, virtual laboratory or video creation services and software, and the like. These are the purview of other University of Maine or University of Maine System instructional design and technical support units.


Video collections and access include streaming databases of hundreds to thousands of films, individual streaming film titles, and DVDs. A limited number of items in legacy formats such as VHS videocassettes and laser video discs also remain in the collection.

Preferred formats for video/film purchase or lease are online streaming and NTSC DVD. Availability of closed captions and descriptive audio is preferred. Format, platform, and mode of access will be at the discretion of the Collection Services librarian based on factors such as licensing requirements and cost, as well as on the University-provided media support services for faculty that may be available at the time of purchase or lease.

Note: many videos are unavailable for institutional purchase or license, but are readily available to individuals via online commerce platforms. Courses that incorporate viewing of such films should list them as a required purchase/rental, similar to a required textbook purchase.

The library does not purchase or add gifts of 8mm, 16mm, or 35mm films, sound filmstrips, or video in Beta or 3/4″ videocassette formats unless they contain material appropriate for the Maine Collection that is otherwise unavailable.