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Graduate Programming: Citation Management/Fogler Library Workshop

Fogler Library Classroom 2 Orono

Learn to use citation managers and save time by organizing records of articles, books, and other publications to create in-text citations and bibliographies. For more information go to our Workshops Guide.

?Therapy Dogs at Fogler Library?

Reserve Reading Room

Therapy Dogs at Fogler's Reserve Reading Room Come cuddle, de-stress, and enjoy the company of these lovable dogs. They're here to brighten your day and provide some much-needed relaxation during your busy week. Don't miss out on this pawsitively wonderful experience! ?️ Dates: Thursday, September 14th: Noon–2:00pm Monday, September 18th: 2:00–4:00pm Tuesday, September 19th: 2:00–4:00pm

Graduate Programming: Citation Management/Fogler Library Workshop


Learn to use citation managers and save time by organizing records of articles, books, and other publications to create in-text citations and bibliographies. This workshop is offered through Zoom. For more information and to register for the Zoom link, go to our Workshops Guide.
