Faculty Resources

Faculty start here

Information about Classroom Instruction, Research & Publishing Support, and more!

Faculty Services

Overview and instructions on submitting print and electronic materials to place on reserve for your class.

Submitting Reserve Material

Every department has a subject specialist librarian who is available for one-on-one research assistance as well as individual class instruction.  Use the link above to find your subject librarian.  We look forward to working with you!

Subject Specialists

Interlibrary Loan works with other libraries to get all of our patrons materials not held by Fogler Library. Interlibrary Loan is available to everyone affiliated with the University of Maine, undergraduates, graduate students, staff, faculty, and emeritus faculty. It is also completely FREE!

Interlibrary Loan

Open Access (OA) refers to the free, online availability of research outputs, coupled with the rights to use these outputs fully in the digital environment. Follow the link to understand the different aspects of OA as it relates to scholarly communications at large.

Open Access

What is a DOI?

A Digital Object Identifier is a unique and persistent identifier and URL for a publication/object. It serves as an enduring path to the object’s location online despite changes to hosting over time.

How can a DOI help me and my research?

DOIs offer many benefits to your work, providing permanent and stable access to your material. This greatly enhances discoverability, making it easy to accurately cite your work. That, in turn, improves tracking and metrics, allowing automated systems to easily track citations of your work.

What resource types are eligible for a DOI?

A wide host of objects can be granted a DOI which can be reviewed here. We strongly encourage minting a DOI for datasets, allowing them to remain connected to their related publications.

How can I acquire a DOI through the UMaine Library Open Scholarship Services?

If you have an object for which you would like a DOI minted, use this form.

DigitalCommons@UMaine showcases the intellectual and creative output of University of Maine faculty, students, and staff. It houses University of Maine institutional archives and publications and primary research materials from Fogler Library Special Collections.

Self Archiving in Digital Commons