Cataloging: 856 Display Standards

Purpose: To establish a set of standards for display text for the 856 |z subfield. A list of abbreviations is included.

Single Campus Access

If a resource is accessible for a set of institutions less than the entire UM System, then individual item records for each institution should be created and the display text should follow this template:

|z[Institution abbreviation] Access

For example, a resource accessible to Orono would have this text:

|zUM Orono Access

System wide Access

If a resource is accessible to the entire UM System then a single item record is created and the following display text is used:

|zUM System-wide Access

Open Access

If a resource is open access then a single item record is created and the following display text is used:

|zAccess Resource Online

Government documents would fall into the open access category


In some instances, for example Canadian Federal documents, the record provides links to multiple versions of the same record. Append the record type, or licencing information in parentheses at the end of the display text.


|zAccess Resource Online (PDF)

|zAccess Resource Online (HTML)

|zUM Orono Access (one user at a time)

|zUM Orono Access (Licence expires August 30, 2022)


List of Location Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)List of Location Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

BPL (Bangor Public Library)

Farmington (University of Maine at Farmington)

LEG (Law and Legislative Library)

MSL (Maine State Library)

UMA (University of Maine at Augusta)

UMFK (University of Maine at Fort Kent)

UMLAW (University of Maine Law School)

UMM (University of Maine at Machias)

UMPI (University of Maine at Presque Isle)

UM Orono (University of Maine at Orono)

UM Orono/Machias (Joint access for both institutions)

USM GOR (University of Southern Maine, Gorham)

USM Library (University of Southern Maine)

USM POR (University of Southern Maine, Portland)