Cataloging eResources (Alma)

Purpose: This procedure is for the manual loading of eresource records. Many eresource record collections are handled automatically by the Collection Manager in Alma.

Individually purchased eresources should be cataloged as institution bibliographic records in Alma, not useing community zone records. The reason being that community zone records are managed by ExLibris and could be deleted without notice.

Bulk import of records in Alma is handled using Import Profiles. Contact the Principal Cataloger or Maine InfoNet for help with bulk imports.

Individual records follow the same process as importing any other record from OCLC.

Editing the record in Connexion the following changes should be made.

  • The call number should have “eb” appended
  • The EXProxy URL ( should be inserted before the link to the resource in the 856 field

After exporting check the electronic portfolio created to make sure all of the data transfered over correctly.

  • General tab: Electronic material type defaults to book; Library should match your institution
  • Linking tab: Make sure the proxy is correct
  • Notes tab: Make sure the Public note has the correct access information for the record (this is what displays in Primo)

The link can be tested in the Linking tab by click the button “Test access.”

Lastly remove the 856 field from the bibliographic record.