What is OneSearch?
OneSearch is a simple and fast search engine that helps you discover relevant information on many topics from a variety of the Fogler Library collections. It’s a great place to start your research in scholarly journals, books, and more. From your search results, it’s one step to the full text of many of our articles or to finding a book on the shelf.
OneSearch is not a complete replacement for searching the library’s subscription databases, but it is a convenient way to begin exploring a topic. OneSearch searches through over a billion records of books, scholarly journals, newspaper articles,* ebooks, theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, and academic databases. It contains everything found in our URSUS online catalog, plus a lot of our online full-text content available through the library. Citations from certain databases are not included, such as PsycINFO, and there is uneven coverage of EBSCO databases. However, there is often overlap in digital content that OneSearch is able to access from other content packages (e.g., OneSearch indexes both full-text and citations & abstracts for ERIC from sources outside of the EBSCO version of ERIC).
The index to OneSearch is currently updated twice per week. Proquest, the provider for OneSearch, is working toward the goal of daily updates.
For coverage of full text databases and packages consult the KnowledgeBase (KB) list of all databases. NOTE: We do not have full text access to everything in OneSearch’s databases and packages list. If there is an item we don’t own in your results list, please place an Interlibrary Loan Request.
For a full list of Fogler Library’s databases, visit our Databases A-Z list.
*The OneSearch search box is set to exclude results from newspapers. If you are searching for a current-events topic or would otherwise like to see newspaper articles, you can uncheck the “Exclude Newspaper Articles” box on the left side of the search results screen.
Have feedback?
OneSearch is always growing and changing, and at Fogler Library we want to make sure we are serving your needs as best as we can. Please use Ask a Librarian to let us know what you think!