Special Collections Materials Highlighted in MHC’s Hidden History of UMaine
Archivists in Special Collections have been collaborating with the Clement and Linda McGillicuddy Humanities Center to support the research of MHC’s humanities specialist Karen Sieber and history students Luke Miller and Elizabeth Dalton as they create a new online tour of Hidden History at UMaine.
The tour aims to highlight key people, moments and places in campus history that often go overlooked, including the experiences of the first students of color, early efforts to create inclusive student groups like Wilde Stein, or moments of unrest.
The MHC team built a prototype tour in Clio, a website and app that will allow users to take the tour in person or virtually, with options to add additional resources, historic photographs and an audio tour. Dalton has also created an Instagram page to highlight some of the individual stories, which can be found at @hidden_umaine. The tour has the potential to expand in the future through additional classroom collaborations.
MHC encourages everyone to explore the prototype tour here, and check back for expanded stops, more historical context, and additional resources. The tour is also available using the Clio app by searching “Hidden History” or finding via the map.
To learn more about materials related to the history of the university that could support similar projects, see our Guide to the University Archive.