Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter 3-8-2022

* Women's History Month Resources

In this issue:

  • Hot Topics: Ukraine-Russia Crisis
  • Trial Access to E&E News
Featured Resource: Met Opera on Demand

Met Opera on Demand is the online streaming service that allows users to watch and listen to more than 750 Met performances over the internet. This online streaming catalog includes HD videos (from the Met’s award-winning Live in HD series of worldwide cinema transmissions), classic telecasts (standard-definition videos that were originally broadcast live on television from 1977-2003), and radio broadcast (audio-only) performances dating back to 1935 (from the Met’s long-running series of Saturday matinee radio broadcasts as well as more recent satellite radio broadcasts.)

Hot Topics: Ukraine-Russia Crisis

The Reference & Information Literacy department has just published a new Hot Topics guide on the Ukraine-Russia Crisis.  Please take a look, and share with your students.

Trial Access to E&E News

Trial access to E&E News is available through March 16, 2022. E&E News provides essential energy and environment news, with approximately 30 new daily articles from around the world. Institutional subscriptions provide search, browse, and read access, but do not provide email alerting or personal account options. E&E News has five publication sections: Climatewire, Greenwire, Energywire, E&E Daily, E&E News PM. Please send feedback about the resource to Deb Rollins.

Past issues of the Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter are archived online