Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter 8/24/2022

Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter | August 24, 2022
In this issue:

  • Digitized Student Publications
  • Student Activism Records in JSTOR
  • Fogler Library Workshop Series
  • New Resource Guide on Reproductive Rights
  • Interlibrary Loan Services
Digitized Student PublicationsThe University of Maine’s DigitalCommons@UMaine is home to digitized copies of university publications that explore the history of the university. The two most recently added publications are The Pine Needle and the The Freshman.

The Pine Needle was UMaine’s campus “Humor Magazine” that began publication in the fall of 1946, the first post-World War II semester that saw GIs returning to campus. The publication provides insight into student life and contemporary attitudes on gender and sexuality.

The Freshman was a weekly newsletter published by first-year students for first-year students attending the University of Maine. Its purpose was to build community within each Freshman class and encourage school spirit. The newsletter ran between the years of 1930 and 1938 capturing young voices on campus during the Great Depression.

Student Activism Records in JSTORDigitized primary sources documenting student activism at the University of Maine are now available in the Reveal Digital’s Student Activism collection. The collection hosted by JSTOR aims to provide access to unique, yet essential, primary sources documenting the deep and broad history of student organizing in the United States. UMaine is among the first institutions in the country to have items added to this collection. Among the subjects covered are the Wilde-Stein Conference held in 1974, anti-war protests during the Vietnam War era, student political activities, and programming on reproductive rights.
Interlibrary Loan Service Interlibrary loan service has created a service desk on the first floor for patron walk up questions and assistance in Fogler Library.  Service desk hours will be 9am-4pm  Monday -Friday, hours of general operating hours remain the same 8am-4:30pm Monday – Friday.  You can always contact us at
Fogler Library Workshop SeriesThe Reference & Information Literacy Department at Fogler is offering a workshop series on information literacy topics that support student learning and success.  There are seven topics, with multiple 30 minute sessions for each topic.  Most sessions are in person, but each topic also has one Zoom session. There are sessions on Finding Information, Overcoming Paywalls, Reliable Resources, Topic Searching, Choosing Databases, Why Cite?, and Maximizing Google Scholar.  Contact Lindsay Decker for more information.
New Resource Guide on Reproductive RightsThe Reference & Information Literacy Department have created a new Hot Topics guide on Reproductive Rights this summer.  Please share this with your students when appropriate.
Featured Resource: Library Instruction to Support Courses 

Course faculty/instructors may reach out to subject liaison librarians to arrange for class-specific instruction (in-person or on Zoom) and/or Web-based course guides to pertinent information resources for specific course assignments.  Subject librarians can also assist instructors with designing assignments to meet specific information literacy goals.  We encourage faculty and instructors to contact us as soon as possible, to make sure we can meet the needs in a timely fashion.

Past issues of the Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter are archived online