World War II Propaganda Publications
University Archivist Matthew Revitt has a new favorite, and has shared these details:
I recently processed an unusual addition to the University Archive: a set of WW2 propaganda publications that had been transferred to Special Collections by the then UMaine Department of History & Government. Being originally from the UK, but now living in the US, I was particularly struck by publications from the British Information Service (part of the UK government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office). The publications were clearly meant to arouse support from the US for Britain and the preservation of an idyllic way of life in the face of Nazi aggression in Europe. Several publications also highlighted the crucial role of countries part of the British Empire like Australia, Canada, and India were playing in the Allies World War II efforts.
Also found in the records were copies of the German Library of Information’s “Facts in Review” publication intended to provide Americans with the German perspective of the war in Europe and counter British claims. These publications sanitize the atrocities being carried out by Nazis in Europe at the time and as such make for dark reading. Also seeing among the records, a schedule for the Nazi Germany English language propaganda radio program’s “Germany Calling” I was reminded of stories told by my Nan of her radio listening being interpreted by the presenter “Lord Haw-Haw” who the family all proceeded to loudly boo and hiss at!
For more information, contact Matthew at 207.581.2665 or matthew.revitt@maine.edu. His online Guide to the University Archive also provides more information about the current collection, how to use the archive, and the transfer process.