Katahdin Woods & Waters Resources on Display
Several Fogler Library resources provide information on Maine’s newest federal conservation area, Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, established August 24, 2016. These items are currently on display near the north entrance of Fogler Library’s first floor.
While several of these resources trace the controversy surrounding the establishment and management of the monument, others emphasize outdoor recreation opportunities and the growing economic impact, estimated by the National Park Service to be $3.3 million for northern Maine in 2021.
Here are links to catalog information or digital access to the resources on display.
Recently published resources:
Auerback, Adam. “A Century of National Park Conflict: Class, Geography, and the Changing Values of Conservation Discourse in Maine.” Maine History 15, no. 1 (2018): 76-108.
Chandler, Laurie Apgar. Through Woods & Waters: a Solo Journey to Maine’s New National Monument. Thomaston, Maine: Maine Authors Publishing, 2000.
Guide to the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. Bangor, Me.: Bangor Daily News, 2021.
Hendrickson, Eric E. Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2020. https://ursus.maine.edu/record=b8511158~S1
Little, David, John W. Neff and Howard R. Whitcomb. Penobscot East Branch Lands: a Journey Through Time: Prominent Historical, Cultural, and Social Features. Portland, Maine: Elliotsville Plantation, Inc., 2016.
Lonabaugh, Kyle. Katahdin Woods and Waters: Environmental Values and the Parks Problem. Honors thesis, University of Maine, 2017. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/honors/278/
National Park Service. “Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, Maine.” NPS.gov / Park Home / Plan Your Visit / Directions & Transportation / Maps. Accessed October 15, 2022.
Rowan, Hope. “Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument: Day Seven, Barnard Mountain; Day Eight, Orin Falls.” Ten days in the North Woods: a Kids’ Hiking Guide to the Katahdin Region. (Yarmouth, Maine : Islandport Press, 2019), 68-80.
Vietze, Andrew. This Wild Land: Two Decades of Adventure as a Park Ranger in the Shadow of Katahdin. Boston, MA: Appalachian Mountain Club Books, 2021.
Historic resources:
Graeter, Francis. “Plate IV, Mount Ktaadn from W. Butterfield’s Near Grand Schoodic Lake.” Atlas of Plates Illustrating the Geology of the State of Maine Accompanying the First Report on the Geology of that State. Augusta, Maine: Published by Order of the Legislature of Maine, 1837.
Katahdin Area River Road Birches Postcard from the Maine Postcard Collection, SpC MS 0419, Box 1, Raymond H. Fogler Library Special Collections Department, University of Maine, Orono, Maine,
Scenic Gems of Maine Illustrating Many of the Most Beautiful and Interesting Places in the State of Maine. Portland, Me.: G. W. Morris, 1898. https://ursus.maine.edu/record=b3227699~S1
Steele, Thomas Sedgwick. Canoe and Camera: a Two Hundred Mile tour Through the Maine Forests. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1886. 1880 edition available online through the Internet Archive, https://archive.org/details/canoeandcameraa01steegoog
Stereoscopic photographs from the Benton L. Hatch Collection, SpC MS 0230, Box No. 7, Folders 5 and 7, Raymond H. Fogler Library Special Collections Department, University of Maine, Orono, Maine
- Hinds, A. L. Ambijegis Lake, Maine, Boom House
https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/spec_photos/3227/ - Hinds, A. L. Chesuncook Lake, Maine, the Palace of the Pioneer
https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/spec_photos/3226/ - Hinds, A. L. Katahdin area, Maine, Home of the Trapper
https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/spec_photos/3230/ - Hinds, A. L. Ripogenus Falls, Maine, View from the Cliff
For more information, contact Special Collections by phone at 1-207-581-1686 or email um.library.spc@maine.edu.