Fogler Library Newsletter 11/21/2023

In This Issue:

  • Library Instruction for Spring Semester
  • DigitalCommons@UMaine Readership Totals
  • Featured Resource: GIS Guide

Library Instruction for Spring Semester

If you are teaching a class in the Spring 2024 semester, you can contact your Subject Librarian to discuss ways that library instruction can support your students’ work. We can provide in-person class sessions, video tutorials, and/or tailored web guides, all to help your students locate and use a variety of information formats.

DigitalCommons@UMaine Readership Totals

Last month, DigitalCommons@UMaine had over 130,000 full-text articles downloaded by 4,722 institutions across 190 countries. An additional 467 new submissions were uploaded, bringing the total works in the repository to 73,313.

Featured Resource: GIS Guide

GIS data can be difficult to track down in one convenient place. The GIS Resources guide contains links to free GIS data sources, organized by region (federal, state, and international) or by subject. The guide also contains background information, links to GIS software, both university-subscribed and open source, and lists of books on GIS in the library.

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