Binding: Table of Binding Types

Purpose: Providing the commercial bindery with various specifications contingent on genre.

Periodical Book Paperback Theses
Raison D’Etre Whenever binding two or more issues together For books which will get little use
Cover Left on Removed by Bindery unless request to save.  Can ask to mount cover. Left on
Material color Use Lars software template – already set Can request.  Bindery prefers to make choice.  Use code ‘NC’ to let them choose. Bindery chooses Phd – 990
Masters – 563
Print color Use Lars software template – already set White or black only White Gold
Spine lettering Use Lars template Author/title/call number Lengthwise Lengthwise
Turnaround time (Bridgeport) 2 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks


Thru-fold sewing:

  • for signature-bound issues
  • strong and flexible


  • normal binding method


  • no sewing
  • page ends are fan glued

Conserphase Boxes:

  • for materials falling apart which cannot be rebound
  • we send measurements


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