Cataloging: Transfer Attached Records

Purpose: To transfer attached records: items, orders and check-ins to a new bibliographic record.  Generally required for title changes.  Proceed from the Millennium Cataloging module.

Transfer select records:

  1. Open destination record (new bibliographic record) and minimize on toolbar
  2. Open source record (previous bibliographic record)
  3. Highlight attached record or records to be transferred
  4. From the Edit dropdown menu at top of screen select: Transfer attached
  5. Follow arrow to bib number of destination record already open on your tool bar
  6. Resulting dialog box prompts: Transfer…? Click OK.

Transfer all attached items:

  1. Open destination record (new bibliographic record) and minimize on toolbar
  2. Open source record (previous bibliographic record)
  3. Click Edit icon to bring up the bibliographic record display
  4. From the Edit dropdown menu at top of screen select: Transfer attached
  5. Follow arrow to bib number of destination record already open on your tool bar
  6. Resulting dialog box prompts: Transfer all attached records, RETAIN/DELETE source bib. Select Retain or Delete as appropriate. Be absolutely sure of yourself before selecting Delete Source Bib.  There is no way to retrieve a deleted record.
  7. If Orono (or Darling Center, as the case may be) did not already have holdings attached to the new record, add “oro” (or “dar”) to the Branch field of the new bibliographic parent record.

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