Binding: Closing Serial Titles
Purpose: To close out records representing our holdings on URSUS. When the last volume or issues of a journal we no longer will be receiving (i.e., ceased publication, cancelled, or title change) returns from the bindery, we need to delete the checkin card and update the remaining checkin record so it now serves as a holdings record.
Begin by logging onto Sierra; use a Serials function.
Note: If all ORO holdings are removed, delete checkin record and update the Branch code in the bib record. If ORO is the only branch, delete bibliographic record as well.
- Overlay the Bib record – applies only if publication has ceased or changed title (Library Specialist CL3).
- Print a copy of the BIBLIOGRAPHIC record.
- Overlay with updated OCLC record to reflect the closed status.
- Edit the Order record (Library Specialist CL3-Ordering)
- Unless you are working with a title change where the order record will be transferred to the new title.
- Enter CDATE (date you are closing out the title)
- Change STATUS (O) to Z (for cancelled)
- Edit the Checkin Record (Library Specialist CL2-Periodicals) (note: normally during bindery returns process)
- Call up specific record by title
- Review the holdings statement to be sure it is complete
- Change location to bound periodicals (obper)
- Delete the checkin card
If title has an expired limited retention policy indicating ultimate discard, you will need to suppress this title in URSUS if Orono only holdings.
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