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How to Do a Literature Review/Fogler Library Workshop

Fogler Library Classroom 2 Orono, ME, United States

Learn about tools and strategies to help graduate students make their literature searches more efficient. These include strategic searching, organizational methods, and synthesizing information. For more information go to our Workshops Guide.

How to Do a Literature Review/Fogler Library Workshop


Learn about tools and strategies to help graduate students make their literature searches more efficient. These include strategic searching, organizational methods, and synthesizing information. For more information and to register for a Zoom link, go to our Workshops Guide.

Citation Drop-Ins/Fogler Library Workshop

Fogler Library Classroom 2 Orono, ME, United States

Citations giving you a headache? Drop into Fogler Library to get help with MLA, APA, Chicago, or any other citation style. For more information, go to our Workshops Guide.

Graduate Programming: Citation Management/Fogler Library Workshop

Fogler Library Classroom 2 Orono, ME, United States

Learn to use citation managers and save time by organizing records of articles, books, and other publications to create in-text citations and bibliographies. For more information go to our Workshops Guide.

Graduate Programming: Citation Management/Fogler Library Workshop


Learn to use citation managers and save time by organizing records of articles, books, and other publications to create in-text citations and bibliographies. This workshop is offered over Zoom. For more information and to register for a Zoom link, go to our Workshops Guide.

Citation Drop-Ins/Fogler Library Workshop

Fogler Library Classroom 2 + Zoom

Citations giving you a headache? Drop into Fogler Library or connect over Zoom to get help with MLA, APA, Chicago, or any other citation style. For more information and to register for a Zoom link, go to our Workshops Guide.

Citation Drop-Ins/Fogler Library Workshop

Fogler Library Classroom 2 + Zoom

Citations giving you a headache? Drop into Fogler Library or connect over Zoom to get help with MLA, APA, Chicago, or any other citation style. For more information and to register for a Zoom link, go to our Workshops Guide.

Immigration Challenge (online & asynchronous)


Want to know more about immigration and the lives of immigrants?  Sign up for the Immigration Challenge, a collaboration between Fogler Library and UMaine's Office of International Programs!  Every day for five days (November 13-17), you'll receive an email focused on a different aspect of immigration and immigrants' experiences, with links to articles, videos, books, […]

Open Educational Resources/Fogler Library Workshop


Interested in learning about textbooks and other course materials you and your students can access for free?  Come to Fogler Library's Open Educational Resources workshop, where you can learn more about where to find these types of resources and can work with your subject-area librarian to find resources for the courses you teach or will […]

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