Matthew Revitt
Special Collections and Maine Shared Collection Librarian
Contact information
Fogler Library
Orono, ME 04469-5729
Matthew Revitt is Special Collections and Maine Shared Collection Librarian at the University of Maine. Matthew splits his time between managing the Maine Shared Collections Cooperative shared print program, a cooperative of 40 plus libraries committed to retaining specific materials to ensure they remain accessible for the long-term and overseeing the UMaine University Archive. In his role as University Archivist Matthew is the main contact for University of Maine units and groups seeking to preserve records of historical interest. Matthew is also the main contact for anyone researching the history of the University.
Matthew’s introduction to shared print was as Program Manager for the Maine Shared Collections Strategy IMLS grant. Matthew has written and spoken widely on shared print. As well as being the moderator for the Print Archive Network Forum, he has served on regional and national shared print committees for the Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust, OCLC, Partnership for Shared Book Collections, Rosemont Shared Print Alliance, and the HathiTrust.
Before coming to the University of Maine, Matthew was a records manager, primarily in UK local government, earning a MSc Econ in Records Management at Aberystwyth University in Wales.
B.A. Honors in History, 2003, University of Birmingham
MScEcon in Records Management, 2006, Aberystwyth University
- University Archive
- University Archives: Researching UMaine’s Campus and Buildings
- University of Maine COVID-19 Community Archive Project
Selected Publications
- What is the Maine Contemporary Archives?, Maine Archives & Museums Newsletter (November, 2022)
- Documenting the University of Maine During COVID-19, Archival Outlook (October 2020)
- A Coronavirus Archive, Maine Archives & Museums Newsletter (August 2020)
- Taking Shared Print to the Next Level: The Partnership for Shared Book Collections, Journal of Library Administration (September 2020)
- Mystery in the Archives, Raymond H. Fogler Library Magazine (2019)
- Curating Collective Collections — Protecting the Scholarly Record: Shared Print at Scale, Against The Grain, (November, 2016)
- The Maine Shared Collection Cooperative, Maine Health Science Libraries and Information Consortium Newsletter (2016)
- Maine Shared Collections Strategy: A Statewide Approach to Shared Print Collections, Shared Collections: Collaborative Stewardship (An ALCTS Monograph) (Spring 2016)
- Sharing is Good: An Update from Maine’s Shared Collections, MLA to Z Maine Library Association Newsletter (April 2015)
- A View from the top: Records of University of Maine Presidents, The OliveTree (Spring 2015)
- The Maine Way with Shared Print for Monographs, Against the Grain (September 2014)
- Viva Las Libraries: Celebrating Maine Shared Collections, MLA to Z Maine Library Association Newsletter (July 2014)
- Shared Print Agreements for Monographs: A Users’ Manual, Maine Shared Collections (June 2014)
- Maximizing space at our libraries through innovation, shared collections, Bangor Daily News (August 2013)
- Together we are Stronger: A Cooperative Approach to Managing Print Collections, IFLA Library (June 2013)
- A Shared Approach to Managing Legacy Print Collections, Maine Policy Review (May 2012)
Selected Presentations
- Building COVID-19 & Social Justice Archives@UMaine, Maine Archives and Museums Association Archives Basics With a Twist Participatory Archives Webinar (March 15, 2023)
- Documenting a Pandemic in Real Time: New England Colleges Archiving COVID-19, New England Historians Association Annual Conference (April 10, 2021)
- Building Community COVID-19 Archives, Maine Archives and Museums Association Annual Conference (October 8, 2020)
- Collecting Stories from the Pandemic: Strategies for Libraries, OCLC Webinar (May 19, 2020)
- What’s Mine is Yours: Collaborating to Protect Print Collections, OCLC Webinar (February 5, 2020)
- Continuing the Work of Maine Shared Collections, Maine Library Association Annual Conference (October 1, 2019)
- Looking Beyond Academic Libraries in Shared Print, Print Archive Network Forum, American Library Association Annual Conference (June 21, 2019)
- Shared Print 101, RUSA, American Library Association Annual Conference (June 24, 2018)
- Governance Models for Shared Print Collections, ALCTS webinar (January 17, 2018)
- Introduction to Shared Print Projects and Characteristics, RUSA STARS Hot Topics session, American Library Association Annual Conference (June 24, 2017)
- Update on EAST, Print Archive Network Forum, American Library Association Annual Conference (June 24, 2016)
- Pecha Kucha Presentation on Establishing an Archival Program for University Records, Maine Academic Libraries Day (June 1, 2016)
- Dismantling Silos to Build Robust Shared Print Projects, ACRL New England Conference (May 13, 2016)
- Building a Shared Print Network in New England and Beyond, NETSL Annual Conference (April 8, 2016)
- Developing a State-Wide Retention Policy, RUSA STARS Hot Topics session, American Library Association Annual Midwinter Conference (January 9, 2016)
- Strategies for Preserving Maine’s Collection in Print, Maine Library Association Annual Conference (November 16, 2015)
- Statewide Collection Analysis in Maine, Regional Resource Sharing Symposium (February 24, 2015)
- United We Stand: A Collaborative Approach to Legacy Print Collections, New England Library Association Annual Conference (October 21, 2013)
- Together we are Stronger: A Cooperative Approach to Managing Print Collections, IFLA World Library and Information Congress (August 19, 2013)
- Communication, Project Management & Decision-Making, Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, ALA Pre-Conference (June 27, 2013)
- Using data in collaboration: Experiences from the Maine Shared Collections Strategy, Library Journal’s Data-Driven Libraries Part 1: Analyzing Data to Manage Print Collections webcast (June 6, 2013)
- Maine Shared Collections Strategy Lightning Lunch Presentation, WebWise Conference (March 7, 2013)