Technical Services: Publishing Google Analytics Monthly Reports
Purpose: To provide instructions for updating monthly Google Analytics reports on the Development server (Lib16).
- Go to Lib16 > work > staff > googleanalytics
- Upload the current Google Analytics working folder (see Preparing Google Analytics Monthly Reports) to the googleanalytics folder on the development server (Lib16)
- Open to Lib16 > work > staff > googleanalytics > default.htm
- Add a link for the new monthly report with a bookmark to the annual report page
Copy the existing line of code at the top of the link list, for example:
<a href=”2018.htm#feb2018″>February 2018</a><br />
Paste the copied line of code at the top of the list and change the month and bookmark, for example:
<a href=”2018.htm#mar2018″>March 2018</a><br />
5. Open to Lib16 > work > staff > googleanalytics > *year.htm, for example 2018.htm
6. Scroll down to Code Line 101
7. Copy from comment line <!–START Clip HERE–> to <!–END Clip HERE–>
8. Return to Line 101 and paste copied content
9. Scroll down to previous month and delete previous <!–START Clip HERE–> to <!–END Clip HERE–> comments
10. Delete instructions for “Using the Google Analytics Report”
11. Go to line 106 and update the bookmark and month
12. Starting on Line 141, update all the report links to point to the newly uploaded analytics folder.
Adhering to the naming convention during the preparation of reports, makes updating links an easy process of changing the date and folder name via copy-paste.
22018/022018_BrowserOS.pdf becomes 32018/032018_BrowserOS.pdf.
Copy the folder/file prefix 32018/032018 and replace 22018/022018 in the subsequent file names using the paste function. (Be careful to preserve the underscore.)
13. Using the Visitor Overview report update the figures in the monthly summary grid.
14. Save changes.
15. View page in a browser and test links.
16. Notify members of Web Advisory group that the statistics are available and provide a link to the default page.
Return to Preparing Google Analytics Monthly Reports.
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