Technical Services: Editing Legacy Subject Portal
Subject Portal Background
Between 2000 and 2014, Fogler Library hosted subject guides locally through the use of active server pages that constituted the “Subject Portal.” In 2015, Subject Specialists adopted springshare’s cloud-based, WYSIWYG LibGuide software. The portal transitioned into a legacy resource maintained only to deliver .asp pages listing recent acquisitions cataloged in URSUS.
Subject Specialists can request changes or updates to the LC subject ranges delivered by the Recent Acquisition subject portal by submitting modified LC range expressions to designated staff within Technical Services or Acquisitions.
For instructions how to scope LC range expressions, see Subject Portal Expressions for LC Ranges.
Linking to New Acquisitions by Subject Area
Subject Specialists wishing to provide patron access to recent, scoped library acquisitions may do so by generating a link to the desired subject area as follows:
Use the base .aspx URL: “” and append the subject area, for example, “Nursing.” The completed link will read as This link may then be added as a text link within a subject/resource guide.
Download a list of the existing subject areas in the legacy subject portal to create links as described above.
Create or Edit a Subject Area in the Legacy Portal
Log in to the Fogler Subject Portal Interface using an assigned user name and password.
Click the “Subject List” text link.
On the subsequent page, click the “Add New Subject” button. The subject ID will be automatically generated.
- Type the subject name in the “Subject ID” field.
- Retype the subject again in the “Name.”
- Set the parent dropdown to “Self.”
- Leave the “Image Name” field blank.
- Leave the “Suppressed” and “Portal Suppress” tick boxes unchecked.
- Click update.
- Click the “Return to Start Page” text link.
Editing Legacy Acquisitions Portal Pages
When editing the legacy subject portal, staff will discover the content categories left behind in the active server pages. Given the legacy subject portal pages are not available to public view, there is no need to delete legacy settings.
To edit or add an acquisitions page to the legacy portal site from the Start Page, select the desired subject from the dropdown list.
Of the six content categories available in the dropdown menu (shown below), only Acquisitions remains an active index.
Existing Acquisitions fields can be edited on screen to adjust the scope of the defined LC subject. Save changes by clicking the “Save The Change” button at the bottom of the page.
To add a new line for Acquisitions, click the “Add An Entry” button at the bottom of the page.
- Set the category to “Acquisitions” in the dropdown menu.
- In the link text field, enter the LC range. Each LC subject range should be added on a separate line (See example above).
- In the URL field, enter the correctly formatted Subject Portal Expression.
- Click the “Save the Change” button at the bottom of the page to preserve edits.
Note: The order in which the LC ranges are entered in the interface are inconsequential but if desired, the up and down arrows in the right column may be used to re-order the lines of code.
Use the steps described above to create a URL link to preview results of edits.
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Contact: | Created: 06/03/2022 KJS