Cataloging: Batch Delete of Holdings in OCLC
Purpose: We can use OCLC Connexion Client to process WorldCat records in groups and batches. This is especially efficient when we are cataloging homogeneous format materials from a specific record set. This is also useful when performing holdings updates to a large number of records.
1. Go to Create Lists in Sierra and select the review file to be used.
2. Click on Export Records (ALT+X)
Set Type to Bibliographic
Set Field to ! (MARC Tag) and enter 001
Set Text Qualifier to None
Click on Browse button and enter file name, set file type to “Text Files (*.txt)” and choose destination. Click Save.
3. Clean up .txt file as needed. If necessary the file can be imported into Excel.
4. Logon to OCLC Connexion.
5. Select Batch>Holdings by OCLC number…
Click on Browse, and select the .txt file created in Step 2.
Click the Import button.
When prompted to delete original import file, click No.
Click the “Delete Holdings” radio button.
Click OK.
6. The process will run in Connexion. If the file is large it will be automatically executed in 25 record increments. NOTE: If the file exceeds 5000 entries then they must be entered into Connexion in parts.
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