Cataloging: Copy Cataloging in OCLC (Alma)

Purpose: To create bibliographic, holding and item records for URSUS by downloading a MARC record from OCLC using Connexion. In the process, OCLC WorldCat is updated to show University of Maine (MEU) holdings.

Start with approval/profile books (p), firm orders (r) and gift materials (g) ready for cataloging.

Priority items may be delivered directly to staff member’s desk for immediate processing. Otherwise, priority is given to items as follows:

  1. Rush (Red flag)
  2. Ref and SciRef (Green flag)
  3. RRR Reading Room Reserve (Purple flag)
  4. Expedite for requestor (White flag with Yellow stripe)
  5. Special projects, as they arise (in consultation with Head of Collections)
  6. Other materials, in chronological order beginning with oldest

First, search for existing bib in Alma

If no record is found in Alma,  open OCLC Connexion Client:

1. Search words in the title on OCLC using Cataloging>Search>WorldCat (or press F2) or scan ti=[Words in the title].  If the title is too generic other options include: search by LC control number, ISBN, author/title key, or title key for a bib record matching the book.  In all cases, check for matching information in the fields listed below.  If no matching record is found, fill out an OCLC Searching slip and put the book aside for searching at a later date. If an item comes through for searching for a third time and still no record is found, route the item to Original Cataloging.  Again, information on the book must match all fields below, except as noted:

  • Date: Triangle method recommended: the date of the book must match date in the fixed field, call number, and field 260/subfield c (exception: conference proceedings use date of conference, not date of publication, for the call number). Printing date need not match if the latest copyright date matches.
  • Title. Must match 245 field exactly. If the only available record is CIP (ELvl=8), consult with Original Cataloger as needed.
  • Publisher.
  • Last numbered page.
  • LC call number. There must be a complete LC call number. If it is tagged 050, no further action is required. If it is tagged 090, change tag to 050. If there is an ‘x’ at the end of the call number, delete the x. If the call number includes a volume number, put book aside; this may indicate the need for a classification decision. If there is any unwanted call number tagged 050, 086 or 092, change the tag to 949. If an unused call number has an indicator value of 0 or 1, delete the indicator value. If there is no usable call number, route to Original Cataloging.Note on Juvenile Subject HeadingsSubject headings assigned from the Library of Congress Juvenile Subject Headings are found in field 650 with second indicator = 1.  Orono practice is to change to regular LCSH coding if headings are identical.
  • Subject heading. Except for literary works, there should be at least one 65x_0 subject heading. 653 and 655 subject headings can remain in the record, but cannot be the only headings.  See below for special instructions on 650_1 juvenile subject headings. Pass to Original Cataloging if any questions.
  • Series. Series title, if applicable, should appear in the 830 field (or 440 field).

2. CIP, UKM, and NLC records. CIP (Cataloging In Publication) records represent preliminary cataloging produced in advance of publication and are identified by fixed field ‘ELvl’ (Encoding Level) = 8. Several fields may require correction or filling in (title, imprint, collation). Route all ELvl 8 items to Original Cataloging. In addition, records of any ELvl created by the agencies UKM and NLC may require special attention. If questions arise when working with these records, pass the item along to Original Cataloging as well.

3. Validate control headings by selecting Edit>Control Headings>All (or press SHIFT+F11)heck that headings in all 1xx, 6xx and 7xx fields turn blueCorrect any errors pointed out during the validation process, and repeat if necessary.  Consult or set aside for an original cataloger as needed if a field does not validate. If a field does not validate, click on that field and use Edit>Control Headings>Single (or press F11) and Connexion should provide guidance.

4. Update holdings for the record on OCLC. Use Action>Holding>Update Holdings (or press F8).  When holdings are updated, our institution symbol MEU is added to the OCLC WorldCat record.

5. Export the record to URSUS. Use Action>Export (or press F5).

6. Review record in URSUS to see that the overlay worked:

  • Rerun search in Alma.
  • Check the item record for date, call# , location, etc.
  • Select Display in Discovery to review the record in Primo.
  • If present, test 856 field link.  If link is commercial in nature and does not provide additional information (eg. tables of contents or contents summary) delete it.

8. Create call number label for the book using printing procedures.

9. Log out of OCLC at end of cataloging session.

10. Print labels and affix to items.

11. Remove order slips from the books.  Firm order slips are recycled.

12. Record statistics of titles & volumes cataloged for each library (Fogler, Darling Center).

13. Deliver books to students for physical processing.

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