Cataloging: Darling Center Books and Journals

Purpose: Materials for the Darling Marine Center are ordered, cataloged, and processed in Orono.  The Head of Fogler Library’s Science & Engineering Center makes regular trips to Walpole to deliver new items.  Instructions unique to the processing of Darling Center items are detailed below.

Darling Center Codes

Branch: dar
Location: dsta (stacks), dref (reference), ddoc (gov. docs.), dper (periodicals), doff (office)

Darling Center Government Docs

Mat. type = 5
Location = ddoc
Input library = o
Branch = dar
iType = 40
i2 = [blank]
Labels: No
Barcodes: Yes

Route Darling Center Gov. Docs. to the Science & Engineering Center, who will pass items along to Government Documents for call number assignment.

Physical Processing

Darling Center books and journals require a book plate on the inside front cover as well as a book card and book card pocket on the back cover.  For journals, the book card should be labeled with the volume #, pages (if listed), year and title of publication at the top. For this reason, it is best to use the OCLC label interface for journals because it allows for easier modification. If using Connexion Client, select Label from the View menu to edit labels.

  1. Label Darling Center materials according to usual processing procedures.  Save the title label for Step #2:
  2. Darling Center books also require a book card for the back of the book. The title for this card is the second part of the label on which the call number, author and title of the book is printed. This label is affixed to the top of the card.
  3. If title label is missing (or if the item is a bound periodical), type a new one.  Labels must include:
    a. Books: 1. Title, 2. Call #.
    b. Bound periodicals: 1. Title, 2. Vol. #, 3. Year, 4. Page # range (only if volume is split into two or more bound items).
  4. Darling center items are plated with an Ira C. Darling book plate.
  5. No security stripping required.
  6. Place processed items on the shelf or cart designated for Darling Center. Notify the Science and Engineering Center Library Assistant when bound items for the Darling Center are ready. She will pick up from Technical Services and arrange for delivery.

See Also: Processing Bound Books and Journals

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