Cataloging: Detective Books

Purpose: Some books are selected for the Fogler Library Detective Collection and are designated for shelving in the Jones Room. Instructions for the processing of detective books are detailed below.

Detective Book Codes

Mat. type = b
Location = ojone
Input library = o
Branch = oro
iType = 1
i2 = [blank]
Labels: Yes
Barcodes: Yes

Start:  Precat search of URSUS has already determined that no cataloging record exists on URSUS. Acquisitions brings materials to designated shelf on the central shelving area in Cataloging. Materials should have flag for Det. location.

  1. Having pre-searched URSUS and finding no bibliographic record match proceed to
  2. Log on to Connexion.
  3. Each book:
    • Search OCLC using scan ti=Words in the title.    If the title is too generic other options include: ISBN, author/title key, or title key for a bib record matching the book.  Check for matching information in the fields below. Book must match on all fields, except as noted. If no matching record is found, put book aside.
    • date (check in the fixed field, as well as 260, the imprint field). Printing date need not match if the latest copyright date matches.
    • Call number We will add  a new 092 call# after export.
      If an 050, 090 or 092 field is present in the record, change those tags to 949.  This effectively suppresses the number but leaves it available to other libraries in the shared catalog system.
    • title In the case of CIP records (Enc lvl=8), the title may not match exactly; change the title to agree with the book. If the book has a subtitle that is lacking on the screen, add the subtitle to the record.
    • publisher
    • last numbered page
    • subject heading. Fiction books do not require a subject field.
    • Create a  949 33 field (local information which will be added to the records created in URSUS during the downloading process as follows:
      • Recs-b110n;
      • ov-.oxxxxxxx; [number of order record to be overlaid, from the order slip. Skip this step in the case of gifts or if there is a note on the order slip specifying “no overlay”]
      • b1-o; [input library: o = orono]
      • b2-b; [mat type: b = monograph]
      • b3- ; [cataloger’s initial]
      • bn-oro; [bib record branch code]
      • i-[from sheet of bar codes provided, place bar code on book in upper right-hand corner of back cover; if book cover present set aside temporarily before adding barcode.  Use barcode reader to wand in number in the 949 field]
      • /loc-ojone
      • /sta- [default status code ‘-‘ for “available”.
      • /ty-1 [item type code; 1=book requestable]
      • /i2- [acquisition type; p=approval; r=firm order; g=gift; s=standing order]

NOTE:  All of the fields are entered in one stream, separated by ; or /, without spaces. Example of 949 field for first record of a session: 949 33 *recs-b110n;ov-.oxxxxxx;b1-o;b2-b;b3-e;bn-oro;i-12345678990/loc-ojone/ty-1/i2-p

  1. After all changes are made, validate the record. Under ‘edit’ menu pull down, select last option.  Correct errors if necessary.  Pay special attention to subject heading tag changes.
  2. Update the record on OCLC.  Under ‘action’ menu select “update holdings” option [Shortcut: <ctrl><shift>u or F8 function key]
  3. Export the record to URSUS. Under ‘action menu select “export in MARC” option [Shortcut: <ctrl><shift>e or F5 function key]
  4. Toggle to Sierra screen and select “print label” from the Tools menu at the top of the screen.
  5. Check URSUS to see that the overlay worked:
    • Suppress public display of order record by inserting today’s date in the CDATE fixed field of the order record.
  6. Now add the 092 call# to the item record. It is formed by using the prefix Det. plus the cutter for author, followed by the initial letter(s) of the title.
  7. Check date in item record: call# , location, etc.
  8. Books with “do not overlay” instruction: place order slip in box labeled “suppress ORDER number.” Other order slips put aside and discard at end of OCLC work session. Place book on truck or pile on the desktop.
  9. Log out of OCLC. Take cataloged books and labels to work area – your own desk or the physical processing area. Separate labels and put each in the top of the corresponding book, with call number showing. Check to be sure each label is in the right book.
  10. Record statistics of titles & volumes cataloged for each library (Fogler, DC).

Physical Processing
Process Detective books according to usual processing procedures. All items receive a bookplate, call# and security strip.

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