Nearly 700 Boxes Accessed This Year
So far during 2019, researchers have accessed 689 boxes of manuscript material in the Special Collections & Archives Department of Fogler Library. The highest use month was February, when 36 different researchers accessed 146 boxes during that month alone. Projects that lead researchers into the archives include work on class projects, theses, books (both fiction and non-fiction), interest in university history, local history, family history, and just plain curiosity.
The department houses over 1,700 cataloged collections which occupy several thousand linear feet of shelf space. These documents cover a wide range of subjects reflecting historical events, business, education, the arts, and sciences. To learn more about what’s available, try a search in our ArchivesSpace database, take a look at our Finding Aids in DigitalCommons@UMaine, read more in the Manuscript Collections section of our webpage, or contact Special Collections at, 207.581.1686.