Fogler Library Faculty Newsletter 3-25-2020

Fogler Library is committed to helping you continue your research and teaching.

In this issue

  1. Reference Librarian Assistance
  2. New Databases Available Temporarily
  3. Electronic Reserve Materials for Your Courses
  4. Resources Available through Interlibrary Loan
  5. Daily Research Drop-ins on Zoom

Library Support for Faculty and Students
Raymond H. Fogler Library is committed to serving the University of Maine community as best as possible throughout the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are available through our chat service, through zoom, and by email. We’ve also created a dedicated webpage to provide updates to library services and resources.

If there is anything the library can do to help you continue your teaching and research, please contact us.

1. Reference Librarian Assistance

Most Subject Librarians are available to assist both you and your students in finding needed information. Please contact your librarian by email for any assistance you might need.

The following departments should, for now, contact Nancy Lewis ( English, History, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Theatre and Dance.

2. New Databases Available Temporarily

A selection of new databases have been made temporarily available to UMaine patrons. The databases include:

  • Academic Search Ultimate
  • Business Source Ultimate
  • EBSCO Ebook Academic Collection (North America)
  • HeinOnline Academic
  • Films on Demand

You can access most of these resources through the Indexes and Databases page on our website. Films on Demand can be accessed through our Database Trials page.

3. Electronic Reserve Materials for Your Courses

Fogler Library employees are here to help you transition to online teaching by providing quick turnaround of materials you want to place on electronic reserve. Electronic reserves software provides 24/7 access to your online course materials while protecting intellectual property and copyrighted materials. Additionally, eReserves are listed in the URSUS catalog, allowing students to find and connect to resources quickly.

If you would like to place items on electronic reserve, please contact our Circulation Department at

4. Resources Available through Interlibrary Loan

If you need articles for your research or teaching, we can still provide those through Interlibrary Loan. Additionally, if you need an article or a book chapter from Fogler’s collection, we can scan those and provide them through document delivery.

For articles or chapters from a book, submit your request as usual in ILLiad. If you need an entire book, place the request and we will try to obtain the book. Please provide a current address and we will ship directly to the address provided.

5. Daily Research Drop-ins on Zoom

To assist students working remotely, the Reference Department will be holding open research drop-ins via Zoom every weekday from 12:00pm – 2:00pm. Please encourage your students to join these open sessions with any research questions they may have.