Communities of Memory in Old Town Collection Now Online

The Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History collection, Islands and Bridges: Communities of Memory in Old Town, Maine / French Island, is now available online through our ArchivesSpace database.  It is also possible to download a list of all the interviews as a  PDF finding aid for the collection through DigitalCommons@UMaine.  Links from either of those databases provide access to transcripts and the original audio recordings that were captured as a part of this 1992 community based oral history project co-sponsored by the Maine Folklife Center and the Franco-American Center at the University of Maine.  The project generated a series of 35 interviews focusing on the culture and history of the French Canadian immigrant community.

We continually update a list of Maine Folklife Center collections as they are made available online in our Guide to the Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History.  For more information, contact Fogler Library Special Collections at 207.581.1686 or

Banner image: A portion of Old Town and French Island (labeled Treat & Webster Island) from the 1921 Sanborn maps of Old Town available in our Sanborn Maps of Maine collection.