William S. Cohen Papers | Senate Legislative
Materials, Loring Air Force Base
MS Loring Air Force Base 1976-1995 12 boxes
The military installation at Loring Air Force Base in Limestone,
Aroostook County, Maine, became a high priority constituent issue
for Cohen's office during the House and Senate years. Loring was
closed in 1994 after the second round of base closures, but not
without a tremendous fight from opposition in the state and the U.S.
congressional delegation from Maine. The fight to keep Loring open
and the efforts to convert the base to private sector uses are good
examples of cooperation and coordination among members of Maine
delegation to Washington including Cohen, Olympia Snowe, Edmund
Muskie, and George Mitchell. Throughout its history as an active
base and as a result of the transition to civilian uses, Loring and
related issues were handled by various staff members in Cohen's
office. The files in this series are divided into three categories
reflecting the functional focus of the materials: Humphrey and
Hastings were staff members working on Cases and Projects related to
Loring; Closure and Reuse covers the activities for physically
closing the base and readjusting to other economic uses; and Defense
Conversion is the effort to switch companies from solely relying on
defense contracts to more private contracts as the defense budget
shrank at the end of the Cold War.
MS Hastings and Umphrey, 1976-1981, 2 boxes.
Arranged alphabetically. Files in this subseries created by Michael
Hastings and Robert Umphrey, constitute an extension of Bob
Umphrey's files in Senate: Legislative: Cases and projects which
document Loring AFB activities from 1973 to 1978. In 1979, efforts
by Senators Cohen and Ed Muskie and others on behalf of Loring over
a period of several years resulted in rejection of the Department of
Defense plan to reduce the force at the Limestone, Maine,
installation. Instead, in October 1979, the DOD announced a plan to
strengthen the base for strategic reasons. Material includes staff
memos, reports, clippings, Save Loring Committee reports and
minutes, and correspondence.
Folder Titles
Air Force Base Closures and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
1976-1979 2 folders
Cohen-Muskie letter to Chairman of Armed Forces Committee 1979
Economic Adjustment Committee 1978-1979
Economic readjustment, information and correspondence 1978-1980
Loring Air Force Base, economic adjustment planning assistance
Loring Air Force Base trip 1980
Loring clips 1979
Loring economic impacts 1978-1979
Loring, final Department of Defense decision 1978-1979
Loring, Maine Delegation meeting 1978-1979
Loring, meeting with Secretary of the Army 1977
Loring, memos
Loring, Military Construction Amendment 1979-1980
Loring, miscellaneous 3 folders
Loring Readjustment Committee, meeting and notes 1979-1980 2 folders
Loring-related publications 1976-1980 2 folders
Loring, section 612 compliance, reduction costs 1976-1979
Loring, strategic aspects 1979
Military Construction Authorization Amendment 1976
Military Construction Authorization Act 1981
Official correspondence, Environmental Impact Statement, Air Force
Save Loring meetings 1979
MS Closure and reuse, 1985-1995, 6 boxes.
Arranged alphabetically. Files created by Congressional staff
members John Veroneau, Kathy Decoster and Dale Gerry. Loring Air
Force Base survived the first attempt to close it in 1976 but was
slated for closing in 1991, along with five other bases, after the
Base Realignment and Closure Commission hearings. Cohen reacted by
participating in a lawsuit-along with the other members of the Maine
delegation to Congress, several municipalities in Aroostook County,
and the Save Loring Committee-against officials of the Department of
Defense and the Commission in an attempt to reverse the decision.
The lawsuit specifically challenged the process used by the Air
Force to review Loring AFB. (See files related to the base closure
hearings and ensuing legal battles in the Dale Gerry sub-series of
Senate: Legislative: Defense.) This effort failed, and the process
of planning for readjustment, accomplishing an environmental
cleanup, and finding new social and economic uses for the base
began. Materials include hearing transcripts, testimony, policies
regarding base closing procedures and costs, staff memos, joint
letters and press releases from Maine's Washington, D.C. delegation,
and defense reauthorization budgets for 1994.
Access to records in this sub series is restricted until 2016.
Consult the Special Collections Department for further information.
MS Defense Conversion, 1987-1994, 4 boxes.
Arranged alphabetically. Files in this category were created by
Kathy Decoster, John Veroneau, Dale Gerry, Cathy Mitani, Jim Bodner,
and Kate Lambrew. In an effort parallel to the base closures, the
government--in this case the Senate Armed Services Committee--worked
to support conversion of defense contractors and former military
bases to private sector commercial industry and community use. Cohen
was on the SASC subcommittee for Defense Technology, Acquisition,
and Industrial Base. He took a strong interest in defense conversion
because so many Maine firms relied on defense contracts for
survival. Conversion involved not only redirecting research and
development to find alternative uses for bases and manufacturing
companies, but facilitating the change with job training and
community assistance. Records in this sub-series include hearing
transcripts, staff memos, and Cohen's statements, as well as
industry letters and brochures.
Access to records in this sub series is restricted until 2015.
Consult the Special Collections Department for further information.
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Contact the Cohen Papers: 207.581.2665 |
um.library.spc@maine.edu |