William S. Cohen Papers | Senate Office
Administration Records
MS 106.3.5 Office Administration Records 1979-1996 5 boxes
Arranged alphabetically. Thomas Daffron was the chief administrative
officer in the Cohen Senate office from 1979-1989, and Robert Tyrer
held this position from 1989-1996. They were responsible for
overseeing all the activities in the office, including all personnel
decisions and the formulation of office policies. Records in this
series contain administrative memos and correspondence, intern
manuals and applications, office expense account statements, staff
biographies, a William S. Cohen State Office Guidebook (1995) and
background information files (which consist primarily of
newsclippings), on well-known politicians and political figures.
Drafts of some of Cohen's speeches may also be found in this series.
Access to the records in the Office Administration Records series is
restricted until 2022. Consult the Special Collections Department
for further information.
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